National Network
Adana İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü Mücahitler caddessi Yeni Valilik Binası 01330 Seyhan ADANA/ TurkeyCountry
ADANAStreet address 2
Adana İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü Mücahitler caddessi Yeni Valilik Binası 01330 SeyhanTelephone
+90 322 458 83 71(72,73,...82) extension -1135Telephone (other)
+90 505 914 83 92E-Mail (2)
Click HereYear of Establishment
1925Contact Person1
Ali ÇAKALContact Person 2
Cemal İNCEDALOrganisation Type
Public InstitutionFields of Activity
Youth and educationGeneral Information
The Directorate of Education is responsible for the central administration of all aspects of education and related services in Adana. The Directorate’s main areas of responsibility are in pre-school, primary, post-primary, vocational education,informal education and special education; the promotion of community relations within and between schools; and in-service teacher education. Its primary statutory duty is to promote the education of the people of Adana and to ensure the effective implementation of education policy. Its key functions include: • advising teachers on the determination of education policy • framing legislation • allocating, monitoring and accounting for resources • through the Education and Training Inspectorate, evaluating and reporting on the quality of teaching and learning and teacher education The Directorate also aims to ensure that children, through participation of 910 schools, reach the highest possible standards of educational achievement. In pre-school settings, schools also promotes personal well-being and social development, so that children gain the knowledge, skills and experience to reach their full potential as valued individuals. At present, the Education Department of Adana can be categorized into three (three) different entities viz. (1) Department of Education (Pre Primary and Primary) (2) Department of Education (Secondary Education) (3) Department of Adult Education. The number of staff employed is about 200. Budgetary resources In 2007 Total Budget 1.930.930,00 TL In 2008 Total Budget 5.041.738,00 TL In 2009 Total Budget 5.661.286,00 TL Sources of funding are provided by the state. Local partners: Municipalities, public institutions,chambers of commerce and industry, other vocational chambers,sports clubs. International partners:In context of project, institutions which we executed projects.Mission and Objectives
Creating an education atmosphere that our students will be successful and parents happy too.Providing our staff peaceful and untroubled working fields by making a difference and becoming an outstanding institution in the light of contemporary developments.Main Projects / Activities
As Adana Directorate of Education,we executed the following projects 1- In 2006 Life long Learning Proramme LDV mobilitby VETPRO project Ref.No:TR/06/A/F/EX1-1821 2- In 2007 Life long Learning Proramme Grungtvig Learning Partnership Ref.No: 07-TUR01-GR04-00182-1 3- In 2008 Life long Learning Proramme Grungtvig Learning Partnership Ref.No:08-1-DK1-GRU06-00106 3 4- In 2010 Life long Learning Proramme Comenius Regio Ref.No: 2010-1-PL1-COM13-11566-2 ( This project has been going on)