National Network
Tabara Center, near Sanayeh Garden, 4th floor Beirut 1103 LebanonCountry
BeirutStreet address 2
Tabara Center, near Sanayeh Garden, 4th floorTelephone
+961-71-119398E-Mail (2)
info@aieserve.orgE-Mail (3)
Click HereYear of Establishment
2007Contact Person1
Tala AzzamOrganisation Type
Non-Governmental OrganizationFields of Activity
Democracy and community developmentGeneral Information
Aie Serve, a youth-based organization, was founded on February 23rd, 2007 with the vision of spreading love, respect and acceptance. The word “Aie” is a Japanese word pronounced as “I” and means “Love”, so the name of NGO is Love to Serve or I Serve…others. The idea came due to the aftermath of July War on Lebanon and the sharp polarization of the Lebanese youth. A group of friends started brainstorming ways of tackling this issue and agreed that the 3 basic values that are missing in Lebanon are Respect, Acceptance and Love. Loving others for who they are, and not which political background or sect they are from, respecting others’ point of views and beliefs no matter what, and accepting differences and considering them the seeds of diversity. Afterwards, the group started gathering more ideas and people and tried to organize themselves little at a time while focusing on serving their surrounding and society at large. Aie Serve evolved from a group of friends, to a group of community service minded people, to a team and an organization.Mission and Objectives
Vision Aie Serve promotes the values of respect, acceptance and love to achieve an improved future for human kind. Mission Aie Serve is a youth non-governmental organization that works on youth empowerment. Goals Promote Aie Serve’s philosophy and professional volunteerism amongst youth. Empower the youth with the needed soft skills and tools to develop the community. Leverage Aie Serve’s experience to support other organizations in developing their capacities.Main Projects / Activities
Aie Clubs What is the Aie Clubs program? Aie Clubs program aims at spreading the notions of respect, acceptance and love through empowering youth to become positive agents of change in their small communities. Groups of youth gather to implement the projects of their choice, as long as they follow our three values of Respect, Acceptance & Love. What’s in it for YOU? Our current 200 + beneficiaries of Aie Clubs currently enjoy free training opportunities, build experience in organizational, project, and team management, and better yet, they get to enjoy all of Aie Serve’s facilities, network, and resources. Not only that, but you will also benefit from being an organized entity, whose work’s quality is guaranteed under Aie Serve’s standards, rather than one single person or a group of people with no support for your great ideas. How does an Aie Club function? The clubs’ starters are first of all trained by Aie Serve and other professional trainers to give them the needed tools and skills to better serve their community. Then, a person is assigned as a liaison to follow up with the club and communicate their needs, ideas, and concerns back to Aie Serve. From then on, the sky is the limit in the projects that you can think of and conduct. Who are the Aie Clubs members? An Aie Club is made up of university students on the same campus, neighbors residing in the same area, and any group of different people with the same interests. Current Aie Clubs: Community Based: Beirut AieClub, Beqaa AieClub, Saida AieClub, Tripoli AieClub. University Based: AUB Aie Club (American University of Beirut), Balamand Aie Club (Balamand University – Ashrafieh Campus), BAU – Dibeye Aie Club (Beirut Arab University – Dibeye Campus), LAU Aie Club (Lebanese American University – Beirut Campus), NDU – Chouf Aie Club (Notre Dame University – Dier El Kamar Campus), NDU – Zouk Aie Club ((Notre Dame University – Zouk Campus). Aie Power Program Background & Brief: A lot of youth aspire to make positive change in their community, whether by spreading awareness about a certain issue, empowering community groups, serving the needy, advocating for a cause or lobbying for some policy change, yet in most cases they lack the needed skills, tools and resources to achieve what they dream of. In this context, Aie Serve, as a youth empowerment organization and through the Aie Power Program, aims at empowering those youth by giving them the needed training, coaching and financial support to achieve their aspirations Aie Skills What is it about? Aie Skills is the arm of training in Aie Serve. It’s all about providing the youth with the needed soft skills, thus following Aie Serve’s mission in youth empowerment with the tools they need to develop themselves at first and their society afterwards. How do we do that? Public Workshops on soft skills covering different topics. These workshops are two hours long and held twice a month, thus reaching an average of more than 15 workshops a year, each with a different topic! Advanced Trainings about some specific topics, where we go in depth about such topics for one full day or even a two days camp! The Training of Trainers (ToT) that certifies around 10 new trainers every year so as to be able to deliver our trainings. Club Initiation Management training for Aie Serve University Clubs. Giving trainings for the beneficiaries of the Aie Consult program, who are other NGOs getting trained by Aie Serve on topics covering financial, legal, managerial and organizational levels. What kind of topics do we cover? It’s all about the development of your soft skills: Public speaking, Project planning, Campaigning, Critical Thinking, Teamwork & Team Building, Holding Effective Meetings, Leadership Skills, Conflict Resolution, Fundraising, Time Management, Body Language, Giving & Receiving Criticism, Functioning Under Pressure, Decision Making, Negotiation & Persuasion, Target Group: All youth between the ages of 18 and 30.