
Anna Lindh Foundation

Alba Kultur

National Network



Zwirnerstr. 26 Köln Germany





Street address 2

Zwirnerstr. 26






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Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Birgit Ellinghaus

Organisation Type

Private Company

Fields of Activity


General Information

Private organisation with a head and five freelance in the office for permanent fields of activity. On demand several freelance working for temporary projects. Budgets are depending on projects. Our funding-structure is based on public sponsorship for projects and on commercial receipts (arts management, publishing/ edition, consulting). As a world wide management alba Kultur is representing some very talented, outstanding extra-european artists. We are also working as consultants of global music for international, national and regional NGOs in the field of culture, with international and local public institutions and organisations in arts. Last but not least we develop formats for festivals and concert series for diverse partners and locations.

Mission and Objectives

We are providing full-service project management, including consulting, concept development, artist booking, organization and production, media promotion and policy making. Our work is a practical contribution to the implementation of the UNESCO Declaration on Cultural Diversity.

Main Projects / Activities

Consulting: alba KULTUR is working as consultant for global music for international, national and regional NGOs (festivals, art conventions, media, development institutions, religious institutions, editions, labels, venues, networks for performing art, artists etc.), with international and local public institutions and organisations (arts councils, ministries of culture, art schools and music academies etc.) Birgit Ellinghaus had been a jury member of BabelMedMusic in Marseille/ France in 2011 and 2012. Since 2012 she is curator for the world music series of the Foundation Berlin Philharmonics. She is mentor for Cultural Management programs for Central Asia, SouthEastern Europe, Africa and South East Asia for institution such as Goethe Institut, Robert Bosch Foundation, Boreo World Music Forum. Since 2009 Birgit Ellinghaus is appointed member of the national advisory committee „Contact Point Diversity of Cultural Expressions” to the national expert committee for culture of the German UNESCO commission. Since 2013 she is appointed as extraordinary member of “Institut for World Music and Transcultural Music Studies IWTM” of “Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln”/ Germany    Research: alba KULTUR designed and conducted the first research of the german world music scene, published in  "EuroWorldBook" by IRMA / France (2010). This project had been followed by the research and mapping of cultral diversity in global music in Germany for the online plattform www.globale-musik.de in the behalf of  "Deutsches Musikinformationszentrum MIZ in collaboration with the Council of Music in North-Rhein-Westfalia" (2011 - 2013). Research about situation of artist mobility and visa issues in collaboration with FREEMUSE/ Denmark (2008) and followed by the research to “Visa Code 2009” for german UNESCO and contibution to the online plattform www.touring-artists.info for the section “visa” in 2013. alba KULTUR has designed and conducted the research “creole – Award for world music from Germany” in collaboration with Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln/ Germany (2007. alba KULTUR designed and produced the Int. Conference on the Future of Global Music in North-Rhein-Westfalia “Globalflux” 2010 www.globalflux.de   Promotor of concerts and special events: Since the year 2000 alba KULTUR is the head of the North-Rhine-Westphalian network „Klangkosmos Weltmusik“ www.klangkosmos-nrw.de of more than 30 cities: Since we coordinated more than 1.500 concerts with 130 bands from five continents. The project’s task is to enable systematic, nationwide and sustainable debates about musical diversity through music of the world; to organize acoustic live concerts, cultural encounters, lectures and workshops with musicians to present their complex musical traditions; to create a common platform for international dialogue in culture and personal exchange of musicians with the audience - regardless of nationality, religion, or socio-cultural generation context; to provide qualified and easy accessible information about music of the world; to enable an insight view in different cultures and the understanding of social functions of music; to open debate on historical, geographical, religious and political meanings of music in the today’s world. alba KULTUR produced the networking project of six cities in the Rhein-Ruhr area focusing on music of migrants from Turkey living in this region: “Music of the Imaginary Turkey”. alba KULTUR produced festivals in collaboration with city councils like “Kemnade International 2001” (first german festival for music from Turkey and the turkish diaspora in Europe) in Bochum, “Musica Sacra - Klangkosmos Islam” 2003, 2005, 2007 and 2009 in Paderborn, “creole night” for Musiktrienale Köln 2011 - and many more. alba KULTUR developed and produced the first edition of “creole – Award for world music from Germany”, regional edition for North Rhine Westphalia in Dortmund 2006 and 2008 as well as the first national edition of “creole 2007”. The work of alba Kultur is a practical contribution to the implementation of the UNESCO "Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions" in Germany.