
Anna Lindh Foundation

Angelus Silesius Meeting House (Dom Spotkań im. Angelusa Silesiusa)

National Network



ul. W.Stysia 16a, 54-130 Wroclaw Poland





Street address 2

ul. W.Stysia 16a, 54-130

Mobile Phone

0048 722 11 06 02


0048 71 338 07 93



E-Mail (2)


E-Mail (3)


E-Mail (4)



Click Here

Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Anna Polus

Contact Person 2

Anna Kudarewska

Organisation Type

Non-Governmental Organization

Fields of Activity

Democracy and community development

General Information

Angelus Silesius House is an educational centre for youth and adults. it was established by Jesuits in 1993. Our activities are divided into three parts: International Educational Centre for Youth, Voluntary Centre and Training and Councelling Centre. We employ full time 8 professionally trained youth workers and cooperate with many co- workers and volunters. Our yearly budget is about 300 000 Euro. We use many paossibilities of funding available in Poland and Europe. we were honoured with the price "Pro Publico Bono" for the best organisation in Poland.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission in to work with youth and to create them " the space for development". We work on the basis of non- formal education with the model of "learning by doing" or "learning by experiencing". The main themes we focus are: - global eduaction - human rights education - european education - interreliious and intercultural dialogue - media - history

Main Projects / Activities

In frames of our International Centre for Youth we organise many youth exachanges with youth from the whole Europe, East Europe and Caucasus and Euromed. We are present in YOUTH programme since 1998, and our cooperation with Euromed counries started in 2003. We also organise projects only for Polish youth. Second activity is Centre of Voluntary Service. We ar hosting, sending, and coordinatin organisation in frames of the Youth in Action Programme. The last part of our activities is Training and Councellig Centre- we organise trainig, seminars for youth workers, teachers, volunteers. We are specialised in Youth In Action Programme, non-formal education.