
Anna Lindh Foundation

APEL Service Association

National Network



73, Regina Elisabeta Blvd., 1st floor, apt. 2, 5th district, 050016 Bucharest Romania





Street address 2

73, Regina Elisabeta Blvd., 1st floor, apt. 2, 5th district, 050016

Mobile Phone

+40 747 01 58 54


+40 21 311 61 42



E-Mail (2)


E-Mail (3)



Click Here

Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Ana Maria Oteanu - Office Coordinator

Organisation Type

Non-Governmental Organization

Fields of Activity

Democracy and community development

General Information

APEL has 12 permanent employees in two office, Bucharest and Timisoara and more than 10 volunteers. The available budget ranges between 100.000 - 120.000 Euros per year, sources of funding being European Social Fund, European Integration Fund, European Return Fund, EuropeAid Program, private funds (corporate) sponsorships and donations. Main APEL's partners are national and international CSOs, LAs, international organizations and corporations working in the same fields of development.

Mission and Objectives

APEL was established in 2006 as an organization working in the field of social inclusion, development, migration and human rights. With a professional team based on young people and two offices in Bucharest and Timisoara, APEL fights effectually against poverty and the phenomena of social exclusion and for improving the capacity of institutional and economical players of adaptation and action in the complexity of the community in which they intervene.

Main Projects / Activities

a) AMITIE - Awareness on MIgration, developmenT and human rIghts through local partnerships”, March 2011 - March 2013, along with Comune di Boligna (applicant), implemented in Romania in the Bucharest area, financed through Europe-Aid Program b) Network of information centers for third country nationals (TCNs) - November 2010- June 2011, implemented along with the International Organisation for Migration, Mission in Romania (applicant), in Bucharest and Timisoara areas; APEL was establshed as a permanent Information Center for Foreigners. c) Helpdesk platform and support to New Member States (NMS) Non State Actors/Local Authorities in the Development sector (January 2009-December 2010) – along with punto.sud Italia (applicant) implemented in Bucharest and Timisoara area and financed through EuropeAid program d) The vocational integration of the 18 year old young people enrolled in the child protection system (April 2008-May 2009) – implemented in Bucharest-Ilfov area and financed through PHARE 2006 program with the goal of facilitating access on labour market for 60 care leavers over 18 years through active professional measures e) Vocational training and local development in urban areas Bucharest and Timisoara (2006-2009) - financed by Unidea Italia Fundation with the aim of gradual reducing excluzion and marginalization of youth in difficulty f) Concretized programme for local initiative addresses to Eastern Europe children (PROCOPIL)- (2006 -2009) - financed by French Ministry of Foreign Affairs

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Firstly, as an ALF network member, APEL will provide the possibility of interacting with the local community, on subjects regarding migration and community development. Secondly, being established as an Information Center for Foreigners both in Bucharest and Timisoara, APEL will contribute to the development of the migration related component of ALF, with insights and national studies. Last but not least, our organization will exchange good practices and debates along the network with the possibility of further structuring regional and national policies.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining ALF will establish a better cooperation in the field of dialogue and mutual support between people of different background. For APEL a network like ALF will give better possibilities of exchanging ideas and good practices regarding common projects and last but not least will be able to promote future strategies and policies for the region in which the organization is active.