Anna Lindh Foundation

Arab Women Media Center (AWMC) (مركز الإعلاميات العربيات)

National Network



Al Abdali, Al Ellamiatt Al Arabiatt street, POB 199 Amman Jordan





Street address 2

Al Abdali, Al Ellamiatt Al Arabiatt street, POB 199

Mobile Phone




Telephone (other)



E-Mail (2)

E-Mail (3)

Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Mrs. Mahasen Al Emam

Contact Person 2

Ms. Sana Al Sharief (AWMC organizer)

Organisation Type

Non-Governmental Organization

Fields of Activity

Democracy and community development

General Information

Dec 5th 1999, Arab women media center established in Jordan as first and unique media NGO, looking after Arab women journalists, AWMC structure built on three levels; 1st high advisory committee; 2nd administrative committee; third the general assembly which formed of all local and Arab' women journalists members all are 450 WJ: ref please click here Budgetary resources 60 – 100 thousands USD, and sources of funding; members fees, donations, working projects percentage, our media products compensations. Seminars, yearly we practiced two; one for women journalists, 2nd for youths, also we produce documentary films. Main partners; are NED, PAX, KAS, and locals Jordanians and Arabs. HRH princes Basma our good will ambassador.

Mission and Objectives

AWMC strategy has been defined to serve the following objectives: Modern media training directive to act as on the job training for newly media collages graduates, and to upgrading media skills to those working journalists, Media to non media educations, or we can say media literacy, target groups were first women in cities, villages, even in camps, then youths from both gender, Documentary films and guide books productions, focusing on violence against women also women issues such as supporting hopeless and help less divorced women, and role of women in political life, we've taken all above mentioned women issues from media point of views. • Networking policy to connect on line journalists net work group named media watch to defending ours' women journalists violence and discriminations issues to view please click here and here

Main Projects / Activities

A. Media training: AWMC has adopted on the job journalism training, and MSP [media for special purposes], as well as media seminars, so far we've launched five Arab women journalists conferences. B. Media to non media education: AWMC started media to non media, first target were women activists, second target youths; young females and males, so far we've done 5 local programs, and 5 Arab' youths seminars. C. Documentary films: We've done three films on women issues; how media evaluate VAW and women rights as well as women role in public and political life, also how supporting women candidates for parliament.