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Click HereYear of Establishment
2005Contact Person1
Mahmoud MasriContact Person 2
Baha SwidanOrganisation Type
Non-Governmental OrganizationFields of Activity
ArtsGeneral Information
Assirk Assaghir is a circus school based in Nablus, Palestine that is made up of motivated trainers and students. Concrete projects include continuous circus training for teenagers and children throughout the year. Other projects include summer clubs as well as all-female gymnastics classes. Assirk Assaghir has participated in different exchanges since its establishment including trips to Europe for circus festivals and hosting European trainers to volunteer in Nablus. Assirk Assaghir began as a volunteer-driven initiative with limited funding for equipment from circus groups in Europe. Now Assirk Assaghir has more funding and its own center. The budgetary resources available are 10,000 Euros in a year as of 2009. Assirk Assaghir's staff is made up of one full-time trainer/dirctor and one part-time trainer. Currently, the main partners involved in Assirk Assaghir's activities are Clowns Without Borders Sweden, Une Toile Contre Le Mur (France) and Circus Cabawazi (Germany).Mission and Objectives
When one thinks of the on-going occupation in Palestine, the multiple checkpoints surrounding cities, frequent invasions by the Israeli army in the night and a high unemployment rate come to mind immediately. However, the more subtle effects, such as a lack of playgrounds in most neighborhoods, an unbelievably high student to teacher ratio in schools and almost no affordable extracurricular activities are the realities that affect the children. Assirk Assaghir focuses on combating these subtle effects of the occupation in order to provide children with a safe place to play, more individual attention than they get in schools and a fun extracurricular activity that builds skills and allows them to develop their personalities. Through alternatives to violence we are improving the physical and mental health of our participants. We provide a venue for them to express themselves, release frustration, develop skills, engage in dialogue and build hope for the future.Main Projects / Activities
Asskir Assaghir provides circus workshops for children and teenagers in acrobatics, stilts, unicycle, clowning, juggling, trapeze, tissue and music as well as all-female classes in fitness and gymnastics. All activities require that the students encourage and support each other, creating an environment of trust where students feel free to take risks and express themselves. During the summer months Assirk Assaghir functions at full capacity with a summer club for children, daily workshops and multiple performances. In addition to the occasional performances by the students at the conclusion of their courses, the trainers and older groups of students are also asked to perform in many different centers around Nablus and in the refugee camps. Performing for the community allows Assirk Assaghir to reach more people than it is able to with the limited space and resources of its center. Other activities include trips to Europe for circus festivals and hosting international volunteers.