
Anna Lindh Foundation

Association For You

National Network



157 Makedonia street Varna Bulgaria





Street address 2

157 Makedonia street

Mobile Phone

00359 898 819160


00359 52600765



E-Mail (2)



Click Here

Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Elina Raynova

Job Title 1


Contact Person 2

Elina Raynova

Organisation Type

Non-Governmental Organization

Fields of Activity


General Information

Association FOR YOU is a non-governmental organization registered under the Bulgarian law. The organization exists since June 2009 and has no branches. At the moment in the organization work 9 persons - economists, social workers, IT specialists, psychologists and students. FOR YOU raise funds by applying for national and international projects, by providing social services for people in disadvantage situation as well as donations. Due to the short existence of FOR YOU its funds are still very low. Most important projects of the organization are the international projects SATURN and “Bridges of good neighborhood” , aiming at prevention of illegal migration and volunteer return of migrants from Russia and CIS countries residing on the territory of Bulgaria, Germany and Poland. Association FOR YOU work together with NGOs and institutions in Bulgaria as well as the German organization AWO , SWIP in Poland , “Hope and Help” NGO in Armenia etc.

Mission and Objectives

Association FOR YOU oriented towards the problems of socially disadvantaged people. Our mission is to work for and to support socially disadvantaged people , especially people with disabilities, their families and organizations. We believe in the equal rights and opportunities of everyone for a worthy life. Our main objectives are :To support the integration of people with disabilities; To promote democratic practices and development of civil society; To support the artistic, cultural and spiritual expression of people with disabilities; To encourage youth participation in public life; To draw on youth development issues; To contribute for solving the issues of socially disadvantaged people; To work for solving problems and respecting the rights of children and youth; To cooperate and work towards achieving lasting contacts and cooperation between NGOs and state authorities; To mobilize civil potential for solving issues of socially disadvantaged people

Main Projects / Activities

Project SATURN - an abbreviation for "Social Advice, Return and Support Networking Project for the Ukraine" as are the tasks and objectives of the project. The implementation of its task was realized in cooperation of Ukraine and four European partner countries: Germany, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria. This project is addressed to Ukrainian immigrants who legally or illegally reside in the four countries mentioned above and who wish to return to their country of origin. Project 'Bridges for good Neighborhood' . The goal of this project is to prevent illegal migration from Russia and in Russia, and to improve opportunities for legal migration. The basis for achieving this objective is to establish a network of Euro-Asian non-governmental organizations, developing and covering different aspects of the migration management. The European Community assists to this project under the program "Cooperation with third countries on migration and asylum”.