Anna Lindh Foundation

Association International Initiatives for Cooperation

National Network



Ekzarh Yosif Str. Razlog 2760 . P.O. Box 37 2760 Bulgaria Bulgaria





Street address 2

Ekzarh Yosif Str. Razlog 2760 . P.O. Box 37


00359 898 522 414


E-Mail (2)

E-Mail (3)

Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Ms. Kostadinka Todorova

Job Title 1

Head of Network

Contact Person 2

David Raigal

Job Title 2

Project coordinator

Organisation Type

Non-Governmental Organization

Fields of Activity


General Information

Association “International Initiatives for Cooperation” (IIC) is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation established in 2003. The association is working on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, having its head office in the town of Razlog. The mission of the association is to develop and build up the capacity of the civil society in Bulgaria through designing and implementing different projects, activities and initiatives aimed at promoting the cultural, social and economic development of the country and respectively of the municipalities on its territory. In order to achieve its mission the association has directed its efforts in the following fields: YOUTH WORK: The organisation invests a lot of resources in building up the capacity and the potential of young people in various aspects of their personal and professional development. The young people that take part in the activities of the organisation and that collaborate on initiatives and projects grow up into conscious multipliers of the best practices and the philosophy of the organisation and spread the common human values in their communities. With the support of the association the volunteers develop, implement and take part in a number of projects such as seminars, training courses and youth exchanges related to different topics. They promote active citizenship and sustainable development through organising various initiatives and proposing alternative forms of behaviour and attitude towards community problems.  SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT The association engages different groups in addressing and solving community issues. The members of the association provoke citizens’ critical thinking and help them elaborate tailor-made appropriate solutions to local community problems thus giving them the active role to build their own personal, social, cultural, political and economic life in the community. The organisation creates ad-hoc groups to tackle issues of concern for the local development. Also, there are voluntary teams of different age, interests and nationalities who support the local development proposing multidisciplinary, multifaceted and multicultural approaches. CULTURE Since 2007, association “International Initiatives for Cooperation” is the Head of the Bulgarian Network of “Anna Lindh – Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures”. Since then the organisation has been implementing a number of activities and initiatives aimed at promoting the intercultural dialogue among the civil society in Bulgaria and in the Euro-Med region. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Since its very beginning IIC is developing and implementing a number of activities aimed at creating equal opportunities, improving the quality of life of people with fewer opportunities, fighting discrimination and xenophobia and promoting tolerance among members of the civil society. Some of the most significant activities in this field are the construction of a sheltered home for elderly people, establishment and development of a resource center for young people, reducing juvenile delinquency, surveys and researches concerning the roots and manifestations of racism and xenophobia and methods and approaches to fight these manifestations. TRANSPARENT ADMINISTRATION Since 2003 IIC have been implementing a number of activities related to the improvement of the transparency and accountability of the state administration. The most significant projects in this field consist of the delivery of trainings related to good and transparent governance and the delivery of quality services to citizens by the municipal officials and people working in the judicial system. FUNDAMENTAL CIVIL RIGHTS The association has been actively involved in providing services to citizens both with the purpose of encouraging their active participation and building awareness about their rights as citizens of Bulgaria and Europe. Researches have been made, trainings have been delivered and information has been regularly provided to certain vulnerable groups. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IIC also works towards the promotion of economic development. The most significant activity in that field is a project financed by “6th Framework Programme” which aims at providing services and support to companies working in the field of renewable energy production. IIC has already made a step towards developing and implementing projects and initiatives related to alternative sustainable tourism and offering consultancy and logistic support to SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) in the process of European integration and the implementation of projects financed by the European structural funds.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the organisation is to support the sustainable social, economic and cultural development of the local communities. The main objectives of the Association are:  Development and strengthening the spiritual values and the civic society on the basis of the principles of democracy; stimulating the civic participation in the local self-government and the decision-making process and the process of establishing relationship and respect towards civic rights and responsibilities; contributing to the development of a national and local capacity that will stimulate and support the social and economic development of the country and the target region including the stimulation for developing industry, agriculture, trade, services, tourism in all its forms (cultural, historic, religious, business and congress, rural, medical, ecotourism, etc.), intellectual labour and others, also through assistance to attract funds and implement projects; supporting the family business, small and medium-sized enterprises; development and implementation of measures to fight poverty; socialization of the disabled, the poor and those that need help in their personal realization; development of education, health services and sports; enrichment of culture with European values and the culture of different ethnic, religious and social groups, living in the country and the region through activities for interethnic and intercultural integration, communication and acceptance of differences; harmonic co-existence with the different ethnos and religious tolerance; assisting the institutions, the local authorities and the non-profit making organizations to solve conflicts that arise on the basis of everyday life and age differences, social, economic and ethnic reasons; protection of the environment and the biological development; active cooperation with the other non-profit making organizations with the purpose to increase the capacity and the role of the civic sector in public life; improving the image of the country abroad as well as the image of Mesta Region and all municipalities on its territory in the country and abroad; Development and implementation of activities for youth development and application of local, national and international (European) policies and strategies.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth in Action, Action 4.4 2009-4774/4004-001 IIC youthNET 4 News Europe for Citizens 2010-1909/001-001 IIC PEACE Youth in Action 3.2 2010-3420/001-001 IIC Steps4 NGOs Youth in Action 3.1.2 BG-11-A3.1.2-296-R2 IIC Building Euromediterranean Cooperation through EVS Anna Lindh Foundation ALF-CFT/2012/01 IIC NSDS Step 5 Youth in Action 2 BG-11-A2-532-R5 IIC Make a Difference Nepal “MaD Nepal” Justice JUST/2012/FRAC/AG/2722 PAR Association, Portugal Community of Citizens: EU Youth sharing their values Justice JUST/2012/FRAC/2868 National Institute for Social Integration, Lithuania The Address of Human Rigths Journalism Europe for Citizens 2011-3875/001-001 IIC MOViE Youth in Action 3.2 2012-3239/001-001 IIC Steps In Youth in Action 2 BG11/A2/532/R5 IIC WINNEVS Operational Programme Trasnational and Interregional Cooperation BG051PO001-7.0.01-0066 IIC MOST Youth in Action 2 2012-5376/001-001 IIC Make a Difference-Mexico “MaD Mexico” Youth in Action 1.1 BG13/A1.1/101/R1 IIC Cultural MIsh-Mash Youth in Action 2 541521-2-BG-2013-R1 IIC WINNEVS2 Youth in Action 2 2013-5292/001-001 IIC Make a Difference- Vietnam “MaD Vietnam” Anna Lindh Foundation ALF-CTF/2013/17 IIC NSDS_Step 6 Erasmus + Capacity Building 2014-1124 / 001-001 IIC STEPs4LIFE

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