
Anna Lindh Foundation

Beirut DC

National Network



Furn el Cheback, Selim Khoury street, Akiki Bldg., ground floor Beirut Lebanon





Street address 2

Furn el Cheback, Selim Khoury street, Akiki Bldg., ground floor

Mobile Phone






E-Mail (2)



Click Here

Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Mrs. Eliane Raheb

Contact Person 2

Mr. Jad Abi Khalil

Organisation Type

Non-Governmental Organization

Fields of Activity


General Information

Beirut DC is a Cultural association for the development of independent Arab Cinema. Employed staff: 2 persons, with many projects managers who work as freelancers or upon short terms contracts. Sources of funding: Ford foundation, Euromed Audiovisual 2, European commission in Lebanon, local Cultural centers, Embassies, sponsors Modalities of Actions: Film Workshops, Arab cinema festival, 30 Arab film weeks in the world, Arab Cinema website ACdir, film funds and support,network of filmmakers and producers in the region, video library containing about 2000 Arab independent films.

Mission and Objectives

Beirut DC aims at promoting, enhancing and supporting a creative cinematic movement in the Arab World, through Production, promotion and training. After almost a decade of experience in the field, Beirut DC members and friends believe more than ever that the progress of society and its cinema is one. Authentic films and a responsible media offer a possible analysis and reshaping of contemporary Arab societies that are in crisis.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 1999 we have made a series of workshops, organized 5 editions of the Arab cinema festival "Ayyam Beirut Al Cinema'iya", currated about 30 Arab film weeks in Europe, introduced Arab films in international markets, created an Arab cinema website ACdir, and supported the production of independent filmmakers through funds and facilities. We also have a large network of filmmakers and producers in the region as well as a video library containing about 2000 Arab independent films.