National Network
Fritschestraße 27-28 10585 Berlin GermanyCountry
BerlinStreet address 2
Fritschestraße 27-28Telephone
(0 30) 6 44 98 99-20Website
Click HereYear of Establishment
1989Contact Person1
Jacqueline BanfordJob Title 1
Managing DirectorContact Person 2
Hella KlauserOrganisation Type
OtherFields of Activity
Democracy and community developmentGeneral Information
The Federal Union of German Library and Information Associations (BID) is the umbrella organization of library and related institutions and personnel federations The main goals of BID are to promote the development of and co-operation among libraries and related organizations and to speak for libraries in bodies of politics, economy and culture - in Germany as well as on the international level. The advancement of librarianship - providing information and knowledge as a warranty of democratic literacy - is accomplished by the purposes laid down in the statutes of BID. BID is only working on voluntary basis. The budget consists of member fees (about 50.000 €) and some project means for international activities. Study trips and working stay for German librarians in other countries, study trips for foreign librarians to Germany, every 3 years a Congress on Library and Information, seminars and publications.Mission and Objectives
The advancement of librarianship - providing information and knowledge as a warranty of democratic literacy - is accomplished by the purposes laid down in the statutes of the BID, i.e. by - supporting libraries, their users and their staff, by e.g. encouraging international contacts, continuing education and the exchange of experiences, - advocating the common interests of libraries, their users and the librarian associations in Germany, - organizing conferences, lectures and vocational training courses, - coordinating public relations in librarianship and transmitting arguments and issues to the political decision makers, - planning, coordinating and clustering common activities, - drafting experts' reports to developments in librarianship, - promoting the contacts to European and international federations in the field of library and information.Main Projects / Activities
Bibliothek 2007 - Library Development in Germany Which achievement potential do libraries have for the knowledge society in Germany? How can all libraries contribute to an optimized infrastructure for education and culture in the future? With their joint project "Bibliothek 2007", the Federal Union of German Library and Information Associations (BID) and the Bertelsmann Stiftung initiated a public, professional and political discussion about future concepts for and improvements in German librarianship. [www.bibliothek2007.de] International Co-operation: A salient aspect of the work of the BID is the international co-operation and transfer of know-how in librarianship and information science. The responsible organization for this task is Bibliothek & Information International, based in Hamburg. Conferences: IFLA 2003: The BID was the organizer of the World Library and Information Congress: 69th IFLA Conference: "Access Point Library: Media - Information - Culture