
Anna Lindh Foundation

Bildungsstätte Anne Frank e.V.

National Network



Hansaallee 150 Frankfurt am Main Germany




Frankfurt am Main

Street address 2

Hansaallee 150

Mobile Phone

+49-175 5725561


+49-69 56000234



E-Mail (2)



Click Here

Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Dr. Meron Mendel

Contact Person 2

Deborah Krieg

Organisation Type

Non-Governmental Organization

Fields of Activity

Human rights

General Information

The Anne Frank Jugendbegegnungsstätte (educational Center)is non profit organisation with 227 members and 8 staff members. Our yearly budget was in 2011 486,662 Euro. Our major sponsors are city of Frankfurt, Anne Frank Fond (Basel) and donation. We offer seminars and workshops for teenagers and educators. Main Partners: Fritz-Bauer Institut (Frankfurt), Anne Frank Center (Berlin) and Anne Frank Hause (Amsterdam).

Mission and Objectives

The Anne Frank Jugendbegegnungsstätte (educational Center) is a place where both young people and adults can learn about the history of National Socialism and discuss its relevance to today. In our work we draws on the power of Anne Frank’s life and diary to challenge prejudice and reduce hatred, encouraging people to embrace positive attitudes, responsibility and respect for others. Our focal point of our work is human rights education and the dialogue between people from different backgrounds, social status and lifestyles. The educational Center fulfills its mission through multimedia exhibition “Anne Frank: A girl from Germany” and through the development of educational projects and materials and through operating in communities, schools and youth organizations. We offer seminars, training courses and international programs on these topics.

Main Projects / Activities

Last year we started the project “Human Rights and Alternative Education- a teacher network” with Masar Institute of Education. The project aims at fostering a bilateral exchange of concepts, methods and gained experience between third sector educational organizations. In addition, it aims at facilitating cross-cultural learning, sharing of practices and joint inquiry into the creation and improvement of educational environments which respect and implement human rights by creating a network of teachers in alternative schools in Israel and Germany. Another project is our Exhibition about human rights in Iran: "Omid is my name - and it means hope". This exhibition will be presented in our center until October 2012.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since Frankfurt is an international city we have significant experience with heterogeneous groups from many cultural and religious backgrounds. In addition we developed methods based on “peer education” for working on historical issues.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wish to be part of an international network, to intensify or international contacts in and outside Europe and cooperate with other organizations in the field of human rights and democracy education