National Network
Rua de Macau nº 9, 3 frt, 2700-538, Amadora PortugalCountry
AmadoraStreet address 2
Rua de Macau nº 9, 3 frt, 2700-538,Telephone
351 926007149Website
Click HereYear of Establishment
2010Contact Person1
00 351 926007149Contact Person 2
Ana FilgueirasOrganisation Type
Non-Governmental OrganizationFields of Activity
Youth and educationGeneral Information
BUE FIXE- is a Non-profit Youth Migrants organization, based in Portugal, initially a network of young African-migrants with origins in Portuguese speaking African Countries. THE AIMS OF THE ORGANISATION ARE TO PROMOTE: • Active participation of young people in all initiatives related with the definition of public and private policies directly or indirectly affecting them. STRUCTURE OF THE ORGANISATION The organizational structure was designed to engage the active participation of booth the target groups as well as those professional with recognized experience in working with these particular population as well as these specific groups living or surrounded by risk factors regarding the opportunities to exercise their full human and individual rights. MANAGEMENT OF THE ORGANISATION The management is based in cooperation and involvement of the active member in all the project and activity. DECISION-MAKING PROCESS An active work is developed in order to get an effective participation of the target groups as well as related professionals in all stages of the development of the decision making process. Our annual budget coming from Local and internation donnor like local municpality, MTV Stayng Alive. The mean parnter are local NGO, MTV Portugal,Youth Group, Student NGO. In below there are some training we participated: • Training Course «Get in Net» for Transnational Youth Initiatives, 26th of February – 2nd of March 2008, France • Training course about use of theatre technique as tool for social change, Croacia, 02-03-08-10-03-08 • Training course for Facilitators «Face It» Belgium, 15.-23.3.2008Mission and Objectives
The objective are: • Partnerships that may contribute to the development of networks among other related youth organizations, either at the community, national and international level. • Participation of young people in voluntary initiatives. • The implementation of activities, during leisure times, that may bring together children and seniors. • The development of non-formal educational activities. • Social inclusion of young people approaching the public services, as available tools to defend their human, cultural, social, economic rights, as much as their specific individual rights such as sexual orientation among others. • Gender equality among this particular population. • The development of activities to protect the health of these particular group of young people, with priority to the prevention of risk factors , attitudes and behaviours regarding sexually transmitted infections(STI/STD), HIV/aids, drug use, teen pregnancy, dating violence among others.Main Projects / Activities
The mean project are “YOUTH MEDIA, OUR RESPONSE TO HIV/AIDS”. This use media and communication skills to promote adequate STI/HIV/AIDS prevention strategies, addressed to Young Migrant coming from African Portuguese Speaking Countries who live in disadvantaged neighborhoods in Amadora City surrounding the Lisbon Area.How can you contribute to the Network in your country?
We can contribute in this networking with our experiencie in field we are done with african migrant youth in Portugal in many areas like, migration discrimination, acess to social rigth.Why do you want to join the ALF Network?
We want to be part because we think can be important for all of us working in the youth field to put our minds and experiences together to work towards a solution and commitment. we want to be part also to share my experiences and learn as much as possible with other colleagues regarding migrant exchange initiatives to promote safer behaviors and citizenship among Young People.