
Anna Lindh Foundation

Bunian Association

National Network


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Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Sa'id Nabeh EL Ghoul

Contact Person 2

Ehsan Ali Abu Ubida

Organisation Type

Non-Governmental Organization

Fields of Activity

Democracy and community development

General Information

The association was established in May 1, 2001 in Khan Younis city. BATECS is specialized in training and capacity building of professionals involved in community sectors. It is a pioneer association and took initiative to support and assist nongovernmental organizations to plan, identify needs assessment and carry out evaluation within their organizations. BATECS aims at meanwhile at building information resource centre through conducting community studies and research to assess needs and develop its organizational capacities in different sections emphasizing on women, youth and children in most marginalized areas. . we have ver 15 employed and volunteer, five Assocation as a partners in Khan younis and Rafah( the south area in gaza strip). Our Sources of funding from the European Commission ,the Savechildren Assocation,OFID fondation and local socaity .

Mission and Objectives

BATECS is a NGO aims at improving the quality of services provided for women and youth with high degree of transparency, accountability, efficiency, and effectiveness and improving community participation at all levels through training, evaluation and community studies in the southern area of Gaza Strip.

Main Projects / Activities

Since its establishment Bunian Association has established the following projects and activities: 1. Training courses in the technical, financial and administrative fields for women, youth and women CBOs 2. Enhancing capabilities of the women CBOs in the southern area of Gaza Strip, funded by the European Commission, 2009 – 2010, EURO 236,000. 3. Supporting the efforts of women's based organizations on the elimination of discrimination and GBV against women in the southern area of Gaza Strip, 2011 – 2013, funded by the funded by the European Commission EURO 473,000 4. Support the role of women CBOs through enhancing of women rights, funded by OFID 50,000 5. Vocational training workshops for women and youth in drawing on glasses, art and handcraft, candles making, drawing on poetry, maintenance of electrical appliances and household plumbing, and Recycling and re-use workshops. 6. Organizing of conferences related to youth and women issues 7. Production of media spots related to youth and women issues. 8. Awareness raising for women and youth in their rights 9. Establishment and running of youth and women's coalitions

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Anna Lindh Foundation has a national network with 43 country have an experience for capacity building through grants and project to our Association which refers to our local society to promote the concept of culture and Respect for the language of the people.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We aim by our programmes to contact with all society and people 'cultural to Spread the spirit of love and tolerance to Reach a peace enjoyed by the whole region. to open anew relationship between Bunaian and international association to develop our Association