National Network
Raugyklos str. 15-201, LT-01140 11203 Vilnius LithuaniaCountry
VilniusStreet address 2
Raugyklos str. 15-201, LT-01140Mobile Phone
+37052335380Telephone (other)
+37064169515E-Mail (2)
margarita@gap.ltE-Mail (3)
Click HereYear of Establishment
2003Contact Person1
Greta KraujalyteJob Title 1
coordinatorContact Person 2
Virginija AleksejuneJob Title 2
headOrganisation Type
Non-Governmental OrganizationFields of Activity
GenderGeneral Information
CEA’s main goals: 1. To promote the enforcement and implementation of equal rights for women and men. 2. To build the tolerance level of society, encourage individuals to combat discrimination due to sex, age, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, and reduce social exclusion within Lithuanian society. 3. To support the ideals of democracy by promoting the equal representation of the interests of both women and men in the decision-making process. 4. To advance the economic independence of women and men by providing equal and proper conditions for both to fulfill the right to work and to reconcile family and work responsibilities 5. To promote values of an open democratic society by encouraging gender dialogue. 6. To develop and promote gender equality ideas and change negative stereotypes of the sexes, age groups, national and ethnic minorities, the disabled and other social groups in society. 7. To advance and popularize ideas on gender equality. 8. To encourage dialogue and cooperation between NGOs and governmental institutions on projects and programs which promote equal opportunities. From January 1, 2012, the Center has a staff of five full time people and team of volunteers and experts (7 people). Financial sources for CEA's work come from project activities. Budget of CEA is around 100 000 Euro per year. CEA partners Alytus Women’s Crises Center Center of Women’s Studies and Policy (Bulgaria) Human Rights Monitoring Institute Ethnic research Center Kaunas Women’s Employment and Information Center Kretinga Women’s Information and Training Center Lithuanian Family Planning and sexual Health Association Lithuanian Gay League Lithuanian Human Rights Center Lithuanian National Radio LNK – TV Company The Office of Equal Opportunities Ombudsman Shelter of Mother and Child Social partnership fund “Magnum Bonum” Social Research Institute of Vytautas Magnus University Tasso Foundation (Georgia) Tolerant Youth Association Ukraine Women’s Fund Women’s Information Center CEA Supporters Baltic-American Partnership Program European Commission Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Lithuania Embassy of the United States in Lithuania Fillia – private foundation Mama Cash Ministry of Social Security and Labor of Republic of Lithuania Ministry of Culture of Republic of Lithuania Ministry of Education of Republic of Lithuania Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republis of Lithuania Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania Open Society Institute (New York) World Bank United Nations Development program in LithuaniaMission and Objectives
The mission of the CEA is to raise public awareness and by pre-empting discrimination against gender, ethnicity, disability and sexual orientation, protect human rights and promote democratic values in the society. Objectives:CEA aims to promote democratic values and mainstream equality and diversity in society.Main Projects / Activities
CEA works in the field of gender mainstreaming, monitoring of policies on gender based violence, women’s leadership, access to gender justice, tolerance building and quality of equality policies. • The center permanently conducts training seminars on gender equality policies, women’s leadership and empowerment for Lithuanian and international target groups. Recently CEA experts conducted training seminar for women leaders from Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Georgia and Ukraine in order to empower them in promoting gender equality policy objectives and strategies. Workshop for Kyrgyzstan local community leaders introduced the international good practices and lessons learned in the field of combating violence against women. Currently CEA experts have conducted cycle of seminars for Lithuanian public policy actors which provided enhanced knowledge on gender mainstreaming and transformative understanding of gender equality policies. • CEA has rich experience in organizing study tours for diverse international groups. Since 2006 CEA organized study tours for delegations from Ukraine, Uzbekistan and countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Among the participants of these delegations there were politicians and MPs from Ukraine, municipal administration, UNDP employees, civil servants from Ukraine, government representatives from Uzbekistan, NGO leaders, journalists and government members from Estonia, Latvia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Georgia etc. • Currently CEA is enrolled in the project to build the in-depth understanding and practical application of competences in implementation of reconciliation of family and work life. By conducting the seminars and trainings for employers and municipal administration the aim is to develop family friendly culture in working environment and the model of services and consultations needed for the families to reconcile family obligations and employment needs. • In the field of violence against women CEA implements the project to build self-confidence and empower victims of domestic violence through the collective activities to overcome traumatic experience. • CEA contributed to the Study on the case studies of Resisting and Challenging the Fundamentalisms under AWID initiative. The case study on Lithuania demonstrates concrete strategies and advocacy efforts to resist and challenge Catholic religious fundamentalism. It produces new and strategic knowledge on growing Catholic religious fundamentalism in public and political life in Lithuania and its deteriorating impact on women’s rights. The study presents strategies employed by women’s rights activists to resist and challenge them in order to contribute to supporting and strengthening responses to religious fundamentalism by women’s rights activists and advocates • CEA organizes public campaigns, petitions and other advocacy work to promote women’s rights, non-discrimination and democratic values. • CEA staff was invited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to provide expert’s knowledge on gender equality in preparation and during chairmanship at ESBO in 2011 and continues their cooperation in 2012.How can you contribute to the Network in your country?
We would like to promote the network and its ideas and values on the national level. We are already working in empowering civil society and building effective cooperations in the field of human rights and social cohesion, and we believe our participation in the ALF network would enable us to continue this work striving for our mutual objectives. Together by joining our efforts and resources we can achieve more effective results.Why do you want to join the ALF Network?
We strongly believe in ALF's values and would like to be an active part of this international network. We would like to participate in mutual exchange of ideas and practices in the field of respect for diversity and equality, actively learning and contributing with our specific expertise and unique knowledge built upon experience related to transition to modern democracy in Central and Eastern Europe.