
Anna Lindh Foundation

Centre Youth Association

National Network



Debrecen Erdei Ferenc utca 16. 4030 Hungary





Street address 2

Erdei Ferenc utca 16.

Mobile Phone




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E-Mail (2)



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Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

János Bálega

Organisation Type

Non-Governmental Organization

Fields of Activity

Youth and education

General Information

Organization of the association which was founded in 2001: the association is governed by 5 board members, and the leader is the boss of the association. The association employs 2 fellow workers, who control the operation of the office of Debrecen. The main members of the Human Recourses are volunteering High School & University Students. Important to point out, that we have 19 trainees in our Internship Program. The association has a broad network connection, in which there are educational institutions, municipalities, NGO’s, companies, etc. In special emphasize we maintain contacts with nearly 150-200 educational institutions as a regional organization. The association also has European Partnership; one of these is the European Voluntary System, in which we are an accredited sending and host organization. The other is the “Portal of good news” international project. The association generally had about 10-12 million forints revenues and outlays, which are from sponsors and from calls. Moreover, it has personal incomes from the services and organizations.

Mission and Objectives

Our association’s targets are people from age 10 to 30. Those, who want to do something to their community by themselves. We ensure the space and time for them to become an important part of the society. The openness, the creativity and the trust are confessed to common values by the participants of the association. In our community these values are realized through assistances and teamwork. We provide supports to informal organizations structurally, within associational limits. Moreover, we consider the volunteer network operation to our mission, in the North Plain regions. Those young, who are in connection with us, get a several experiences, which will be normative in their further life.

Main Projects / Activities

• volunteering: we ensure volunteering possibilities to the youth : e.g. at animal shelters, nursing homes, children’s homes, oncology, and even environmental protection • community space: we ensure space and possibility to the young in communal program organizing, meetings and in social appearances • talent search: we are an accredited talent searcher center, we search the talented young and we ensure them to perform at events or at exhibitions • trainings: we organizes different trainings for young • international youth facilities: we work on international cooperation, we organize and take place in international changes, moreover we are members of the cross-bordered social network • European Volunteering Service: we work as a sending and host organization • sports, health education: we organize youth and sport programs e.g. mass sports, amateur sports • student government: we ensure help and professional background to both primary and high school “student governments” • youth events: we organize sport and mental competitions, gala parties and voluntary festivals • environment protection: garbage collection, tree planting and landscaping • drug prevention

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In our opinion, the partner relations among the association and the schools are substantially contributed to the national system in Hungary. Furthermore, the experiences came by the juvenile exercises are really significant. We can use our complex media connections, and the extensive domestic and international network of contacts, from which we have to mention the EVS. Through the European Voluntary Service out target that the Hungarian young could be also able to be trainee abroad, broaden their horizons, meet and learn the acceptance of multiculturalism, acknowledge the other, and practice the tolerance. Now, we have several volunteers abroad, and at our Association there are 2 Turkish and one Italian girls work as volunteers. By the reception of volunteers the association has lot fine practice, and in 2011 we earned the price “Év önkéntese program” (The voluntary of the year), which means a serious recognition. We organize trainings and special programs for the students at 150 schools of the North Plain.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In our viewpoint, providing a wide range of vision and accept the multiculturalism is become more important in the youth education. We believe that the improvement of the youth’s social and lifestyle competencies are really important e.g. tolerance, empathy, communication. Internationally, we would like to evolve more partner connections, and take part in projects which are for the development of the youth, and which provide non-formal learning possibilities, with or within Europe. In our opinion the targets of Anna Lindh Foundation are largely as same as our mission and our goals, so we believe that the cooperation with the members of the system is possible.