
Anna Lindh Foundation

Comparative Research Network e.V.

National Network



Liverpooler Straße 2 13349 Berlin Germany





Street address 2

Liverpooler Straße 2





E-Mail (2)



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Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Martin Barthel

Contact Person 2

James W. Scott

Organisation Type

Non-Governmental Organization

Fields of Activity

Democracy and community development

General Information

The Comparative Research Network is an international network of researchers, trainers and teachers based in Berlin. CRN is actively involved in scientific research, teaching and cultural activities that link the realm of ideas with everyday experience. As our name indicates, we work internationally and cross-culturally. Only through thoughtful comparison can we interpret our local reality, render it more comprehensible and develop strategies to address the issues that affect our everyday lives. CRN performs research both as a partner within international consortia as within the scope of its own projects. CRN publishes a working paper series that communicates the work of its members to a wider audience. In this sense the structure is not dependning on fulltime employees, but on the capability of the more than 50 members worldwide. In Berlin a staff of 3 is working permanently on developing projects, workshops and seminares, providing more than 60 partner organisations europeanwide. The main source of funding are income from Seminars and co-financing from various EU programmes, just like Grundtvig.

Mission and Objectives

Our Mission: CRN investigates among other things: 1. The changing significance of national borders within the context of European integration and global change 2. Post-Social transformation and its implications for urban and regional development in Central and Eastern Europe 3. The emerging geopolitics of the European Union 4. Cultural dimensions of urban change 5. Intercultural dialogue and the need of intercultural competences in a globalized world Our philosophy: CRN believes in the power of context-sensitive research and is open to different theoretical and methodological approaches that promote meaningful comparative work. CRN also supports artistic endeavour that forges links between ‘science’, social issues and society.

Main Projects / Activities

The main actions are currently the Grundtvig In-Training series "European Intercultural Stimulation - becoming a diplomat between the cultures" organised by the CRN itself, involving at the moment 20 different partner from all over Europe. Secondly CRN is organising together with the city of Szczecin and the Euroregion Pomerania a course series on "intercultural competences in border regions". Most members of the CRN are actively involved in variouse FP7 and Marie-Curie programms of the European Union, concerning research projects in border regions - including the Euromediterranean.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CRN can contribute with its knowledge and manpower to work on social media projects and in the field of intercultural trainings.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

CRN want to contribute its knowledge on intercultural dialogue, use of social media and border regions to the network. Furtheron the CRN wants to initiate programms together with its partners in the Euromed, using the ALF Network as a multiplier and a source to find and cooperate with further partners.