National Network
Intre Garduri Street, No. 3, Postal Code: 077065 , Corbeanca, Ilfov Corbeanca, ILFOV RomaniaCountry
Corbeanca, ILFOVStreet address 2
Intre Garduri Street, No. 3, Postal Code: 077065 , Corbeanca, IlfovTelephone
(004) 0724.36.44.55E-Mail (2)
andrei@asociatiadgt.roE-Mail (3)
alexandra@asociatiadgt.roE-Mail (4)
Click HereYear of Establishment
2011Contact Person1
Non-Governmental OrganizationFields of Activity
Human rightsGeneral Information
D.G.T. Association is a non-governmental organisation which officialy started it’s activity in March 2011. The base activity and the main reason why we started this is an idea that is a couple of years old. This idea was born from the will and passion to take attitude and change something, first of all, in the community of each of our members and afterwards at a national and european level. Also, at the base of D.G.T.’s coming to life, stays the wish of the founding members to give back all the beautiful things that they learned and experienced in the period of the previous years of volunteering. The name, „ D.G.T. „ represents the acronym from: „Do Great Things” and the motto is: „Do Great Things and leave your mark...”. Structure of the organisation is composed of 7 core members and approximately other 10 youngsters spreaded across Romania. Budgetary resources available in a year : Depends on the funds that we manage to attract in that year. For the year of 2013 we're planning to attract almost 80.000 euros for youth projects that we will have to implement. Sources of funding: Youth in Action programme, self budgeting, Europe for Citizens, others... Modalities of action: Youth Exchanges, Training Courses. Main partners involved: We're involving all the time local ngo's but also international associations.Mission and Objectives
The mission of D.G.T. Association is centered on the creation and setting-up of a national and international network of youngsters, students, trainers and teachers of various nationalities and backgrounds. This network tackles topics like getting to know other cultures and cultural exchange, non-formal education, ecology and climate change, sustainable development, european citizenship and, not the least, geopolitics. Among all of these we add facilitation of the youngsters to accumulate, through voluntary activities, the necessary experience to efficiently adapt to the labour market, and also by offering the possibility to students to practice the theory learned in university.Main Projects / Activities
We have a vast experience regarding international projects like Youth in Action Programme, Action 1.1. Youth Exchange, Action 3.1.a, Action 3.1.b and Action 4.3., and we are also involved in local projects. D.G.T. works, for now, as a one united block, in the way that all the members contribute at the realization of the project in the making. In the future, once we will increase our number of members and projects, we are planning to create coordinated departments, each of them having their own projects: Human Resources, Communication, International Relations, Local Projects. Through it’s projects and activities, the organisation facilitates for it’s members, the development, after the university studies, of the interpersonal and communication competences that are essential on the labour market. More than that, D.G.T. assures a good preparation and practice in various areas of management and other fields related to it. For now, the youth exchanges and trainings are our primordial preoccupation because through these projects we can send in the best way our own message and we can learn lots of important things for ourselves, for the „elders” of the organisation and for the others. Among our local activities we can enumerate intercultural workshops, various social events, round-tables and conferences. As of September 2011, D.G.T. together with 13 other Romanian youth NGOs, participated in the national scale project "A Different Kind Of Education" (in romanian: "Educatia Altfel"), funded by the EU Commission through Youth in Action (Action 5.1). In the year of 2012, we started to be partners at the second 5.1. project, which is the follow-up of this project, called : "A Different Kind Of Education II ". Because we want all the time to have great quality approved projects, the president of the association took part in many „writing YiA projects” trainings. In this way he learned the writing and the format (from the view of the organiser) of this type of projects and passed the know-how to the rest of the members. Besides this, our volunteers, along with the founding members that have quite a lot experience in this kind of this projects.How can you contribute to the Network in your country?
We can contribute with experience, know-how, new ideas, partners, relations, connections, motivation, passion, "man power", determination and many more ...Why do you want to join the ALF Network?
We want to join the ALF Network because we're sure we can use our experience in creating and implementing great ALF projects in Romania and not only, with the help of our international and local partners. We have all the resources that we need to succeed and we're confident that we will ... :)