
Anna Lindh Foundation

Dél-Alföldi Eurotender, Ifjúsági, Kulturális, Oktatási és Környezetvédelmi Egyesület/ Eurotender Association

National Network



Szeged József Attila sgt. 17. fszt. 2. 6721 Hungary





Street address 2

József Attila sgt. 17. fszt. 2.

Mobile Phone







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Year of Establishment



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Contact Person1

Zsolt Péter Függ

Organisation Type

Non-Governmental Organization

Fields of Activity

Youth and education

General Information

Eurotender Association was founded in 2005, with the aim of contributing to the success of the structural policy of the European Union in the South Great Plains region of Hungary. As a public benefit organization, it wishes to foster social and economic cohesion. Our operations include the support of disadvantaged people in the region, primarily improving the conditions of ethnicities, youth, elderly people, women and disabled people; examining the current state of the labour market and workplace health protection, and achieve sustainable development in harmony with the EU policies. We currently have 10 full-time employees and about a dozen volunteers. Our annual budget was around €240.000 last year. Our organization puts emphasis on international cooperation. Last year we sent and hosted over 100 young people on our trainings, and formed a professional cooperation with over 60 organizations from more than 20 countries.

Mission and Objectives

We are especially committed to increase our target group’s (youth aged 14 to 35) interest and awareness about public life, strengthen their active participation in democratic life, improve their sense of initiative and entrepreneurship and transversal skills and key competencies that will contribute to the organization and maintenance of communities. Through our main activities – training/education, research, training material development, organization of knowledge-sharing events – we would like to contribute to measures and initiatives which aim to foster the integration of disadvantaged groups, support intercultural learning, the multiplication of media literacy with special focus on youth. 

Main Projects / Activities

Eurotender Association was founded in 2005, with the aim of contributing to the success of the structural policy of the European Union in the South Great Plains region of Hungary. As a public benefit organization, it wishes to foster social and economic cohesion. Our operations include the support of disadvantaged people in the region, primarily improving the conditions of ethnicities, youth, elderly people, women and disabled people; examining the current state of the labour market and workplace health protection, and achieve sustainable development in harmony with the EU policies.  Due to our implemented projects, we have excellent working relations with the University of Szeged, elementary and secondary schools in the city of Szeged, Hungary. During more than a decade of our operation we have been providing opportunities for young people to acquire working experience (within the former M.AN.O. Leonardo programme and different mentoring programmes). Also, we have organized an international conference in Szeged, Hungary about European citizenship for young people (2010 - From the Europe of Regions to Lisbon Treaty– with the support of the Europe for Citizens program), and we have continuously provided counselling for high school and university students regarding EU grants (this activity greatly contributed to the growth of our volunteer base). Our members and volunteers are committed to intergenerational dialogue, which resulted in our organization’s participation in several projects supporting the elderly. Several of our members also gave lectures at the Academy for the Elderly program in Szeged.  In 2013, we organized a 10-stage event promoting peaceful coexistence in the Serbian-Hungarian cross-border region (2013 - Borderland Area COoking Network – HUSRB-IPA programme), and published a bilingual cookbook as well. From 2015, we have implemented a series of projects with the financial support of the ERASMUS+ program of the European Union: in total, around 180 young people from 20 European countries took part in these project activities. Our first KA2 project as lead applicant, titled Non-formal education and e-learning for inclusion – NEELI was launched in 2016 and ended in August 2018. This project aimed to develop and test new integration models for youth with different cultural background - this included data collection, analysis, the development of training materials and testing in the participating countries: Hungary, United States of America, Italy, Greece, Spain and Romania. Within the framework of our second KA2 project, titled Entrepreneurship Skills for Youth / Youth for Social Entrepreneurship (ESY/YSE) our aim was to collect, exchange and share good practices and policy initiatives regarding youth entrepreneurship in the participating countries (Cyprus, Hungary, Mexico, Romania, Slovakia).  Besides the above described activities, our Association has conducted several national and international researches in the past years, the largest of which was the one examining foreign employment and migration strategies of Hungarian youth, which we conducted in 2015 with the support of Pallas Athéné Geopolitical Foundation. In October, 2016, we organized an event commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 titled “Revolution in words – Slam poetry challenge in view of 1956”, where over 500 young people participated. The event was supported by the Public Endowment for the Research on Central and Eastern European History and Society. Through these activities, Eurotender Association endeavors to foster the economic and social development of the region and participate in its cultural life.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are open to involve network members in our extensive international work, or share our experiences regarding training and youth work.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have been members for over 10 years.