Anna Lindh Foundation

Demetra Association

National Network



Sheinovo str. 102A, Bourgas Bulgaria





Street address 2

Sheinovo str. 102A,

Mobile Phone

+359 897 516996


+359 56 815618


E-Mail (2)

E-Mail (3)

Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Ms Teodora Taneva

Organisation Type

Non-Governmental Organization

Fields of Activity

Democracy and community development

General Information

Structure of the organization: General Meeting, Board of Directors, President and Control Committee. The general decisions about the Association's organizational life are made by the General Meeting that takes place once-a-year. On-going decisions about the Association's activities are made at meetings of the Board of Directors that takes place once-a-month. Day-to-day activities are coordinated by the Chairperson who is responsible for the implementation of the Board of Directors' decisions. For the Programs implementations and projects managment there is Project Coordinator that is reposnsible. Administrative office - 5 rooms, 6 computers, 2 printers, 3 copiers, telephone fax;Crisis Center for victims of violence and trafficking and Consultative Center for victims of violence and Crime. Number of full time staff: 16; Number of half time: 22. Financial status:2012-24 7980euro;2011- 218 325euro; 2010- 63 401euro. Sources of funding: private donors and governmental funds.

Mission and Objectives

Demetra Association has been working on women and children’s issues with main focus on the domestic violence and discrimination. It participates in many lobbying initiatives, projects and campaigns. All these activities are related to social work and community work with people and youngsters in risk and with fewer opportunities.The Association has developed long-term program for youngsters. We are working towards prevention of violence, crime and discrimination. Demetra Association has been providing legal and psycho-social support to victims of violence and discrimination since 2001. We also provide consultations – individually and group. Our main objectives that we are working on are: Development and improvement of social strategies and practices Supporting the formulation and implementation of public policies in social, health, education and culture based on identified priorities and needs; Achieving Gender Equality and women’s empowerment Work for social inclusion of young people, adults and disadvantaged families and people; Identification, protection and advocacy for developing and implementing policies for young people; Improving the quality of vocational education and training for different groups of professionals; Support the integration of minorities in Bulgarian society Supporting the formulation and implementation of public policies in social, health, education, culture, ecology and sport based on identified priorities and needs; To increase the sensitivity of the society, the institutions and the professional workers on the problem of violence. To support women -victims of violence and their children and to protect women’s reproductive and sexual health and rights an to raise awareness in the society on the topics of prevention of human trafficking and human exploitation Very strong and durable over time, we have developed social - psychological and legal counseling that we offer to victims of violence and discrimination.

Main Projects / Activities

’Groups for support for girls victims of sexual violence’ “Increase of the awarennes of the society on the problem human trafficking and inclusion of the institutions “ “Preventing trafficking and human exploatations in Burgas schools” “Burgas against sexual violence and trafficking of young people” 2005 - 2006 Educational activities trainings for prevention of sexual violence for children 2010-2013"Skills for successful social integration after institutional care .Funded by: OAK Foundation Switzerland . “Let’s help young Romani girls to be successful in life” -Open Society Budapest “Yes! In Action!”, “Yes! In Action-2”, “Hate speech online” . 2010-2012, European Youth Foundation Project under the Ministry of Justice Bulgaria- “Increasing the effectiveness of NGOs to deal with socially significant issue by providing comprehensive care for victims of domestic violence and conducting training programs to prevent violence among young people” “ASBAE Addressing Sexual Bullying Across Europe (ASBAE)” and IOR / Impact on Relationship"- DAPHNE II

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Demetra Association is part of the Bulgarian Alliance for Protection Against Domestic Violence, Bulgarian Network for Children, Astra Network, Bulgarian Platform of Wide Network and Demetra is the founder of Bulgarian Platform of European Women’s Lobby. Work for social inclusion of young people, adults and disadvantaged families; Identification, protection and advocacy for developing and implementing policies for young people; We would like to be informed about the current initiatives and acticities in the field and to establish good working relationship with other partners.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Demetra Association is part of the Bulgarian network of NGOs working with the issues of human and children’s rights. Our main aim is to support and to work with and for young people. The representatives of the organization are highly motivated to work also at European level and establish contacts with other countries and to bring back information for the NGOs in Bulgaria.