Anna Lindh Foundation

Euro-Mediterranean Center for Cross-Cultural Dialogue

National Network



23 v Polk. Sava Motkurov str Plovdiv Bulgaria





Street address 2

23 v Polk. Sava Motkurov str




Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Yoanna Daskalova

Organisation Type

Non-Governmental Organization

Fields of Activity


General Information

Euro-Mediterranean Center for Cross-Cultural Dialgue has been informally estalished in the summer of 2007 with the support of the Euro-Med Youth Platform, after first two young Bulgarians joined the Euro-Med Youth Parliament in Berlin in June 2007. STRUCTURE: EMCCCD is guided by the decisions of the General Assembly, managed by a Board, following the program, designed by the International Bureau. The General Assembly is responsible for managing the organisation in areas such as the definition of EMCCCD annual work programme and the approval of the budget. It is composed of one elected representative from each national coordinator and meets once a year. Each national coordination organization regularly elects one board member who constitutes the link between the associated members in the country and the EMCCCD secretariat in Bulgaria. All organizational members have the right to participate in the General Assembly with one representative. The EMCCCD Bureau is composed of seven international members elected by the Board, which have the task of monitoring the daily managerial aspects of our network. Sources of funding: European Comission; Council of Europe; Open Spciety Fund; The World Bank; the Central European Initiative Modalities of action: training courses, summer schools, conferences, cultural exchanges and art events, workshops, seminars, individual and group volunteer programs; Euro- Mediterranean mobility) Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Formally established in 2008 as the first youth organization with Euro-Mediterranean focus, registered in Bulgaria, now EMCCCD is an international youth network that unifies 73 collective (youth NGOs and non-formal groups) and 112 individual members from 43 European and Mediterranean countries.

Mission and Objectives

EMCCCD aims at: Promoting the consistent concept of the dialogue at three levels, namely :  Inter-civilizational dialogue  Inter-cultural dialogue  Inter-religious dialogue In EMCCCD’s view, dialogue is based on firm foundations and general rules, as well as on three considerations, namely :  Mutual respect  Equity and justice  Rejection of fanaticism and hatred Objectives: o Working towards understanding diversity and diversity management towards social cohesion and social inclusion. Actions also address the need of creating new instruments to value market and non-market benefits of diversity and integrate diversity consideration into policy-making. o Promoting diversity, knowledge production and creativity for the benefits of community asset building and community development. o Initiating and maintaining Cross Cultural Dialogue for unfolding diversity. Actions on Cross Cultural Dialogue provide the framework in which differences can be expressed and interact in a positive manner. o Development of cross cultural exchanges in collaboration of all sectors of society at the regional, national and international level. o Providing an open platform for non-formal education and regional networking for the benefit of all stakeholders in the Euro-Mediterranean Region.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects and activities of the EMCCCD are grouped arround 9 fields of action: Euro-Med Peace Academy; Euro-Med Human Rights Education Laboratory; Euro-Med Art Space; Euro-Med Initiative for Gender Equality; Euro-Med Migration Platform; Euro-Med Volunteering Centers. More details on those activies can be obtained from the Annual Report attached.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with sharing good practices, educational tools and material, results of research and pools, experiences, ideas, expertise and networking contacts.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF Network because we belive that we can bring in our experience and ideas; expertise and contacts; as well as to benefit from the opportunies that the ALF Network offers.