
Anna Lindh Foundation


National Network



Nikole Tesle 9, P.P. 287 20000 Dubrovnik Croatia





Street address 2

Nikole Tesle 9, P.P. 287






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Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Adriana Kremenjas-Danicic

Organisation Type

Non-Governmental Organization

Fields of Activity


General Information

The articles of association were signed on 8th March 1995 by the representatives of 24 legal entities from various parts of the Dubrovnik–Neretva County, including the City of Dubrovnik itself. Constitutionally, Croatian and foreign citizens, as well as legal entities, can be members of EHD. For every activity, EHD engages several associates, specialists for the respective activity. In 1999, EHD organized international conference entitled „Mediterranean – a challenge for common European security“. After that, it launched the cooperation initiative „Mediterranean“, which ended by a conference of Europe Houses from various European countries and their partners from the other side of the Mediterranean, held in November 2002 in Santarem, Portugal. The partners involved in the EHD's projects/activities are both from national and international level. The activities are funded by local, regional, national, and international donors and sponsors from state and private sector. The revenue for the year 2008 was € 69.500.

Mission and Objectives

Europe House Dubrovnik is a non-profit, non-party and non-governmental organization. Its activities aim to affirm the European unification idea and to inform Croatian citizens about the European integration process, to foster understanding, tolerance and dialogue with other states and nations, and to promote Croatia through cooperation with foreign governmental and non-governmental organizations.

Main Projects / Activities

EHD members collaborated closely with the local media from the very start, so as to spread the founding concepts of the association among the largest possible number of citizens. Media-oriented projects have always been, and still remain, at the heart of EHD activities. Other activities are partly local and partly international in character. They are mostly youth-oriented, so that most of EHD associates are young people. In general, these events cover the following areas: educational workshops, lectures by national and international lecturers, exhibitions, round tables, celebrations for Europe Day, international seminars and conferences on European issues, aiding Croatian citizens, especially high-school and university students to attend seminars and conferences abroad, thereby enabling them to learn more about European integration and to enrich their studies with new knowledge. Besides releasing its own publications, EHD also collects and distributes publications on various aspects of European integration, in several European languages.