Anna Lindh Foundation

European Confederation of Youth Clubs

National Network



Rue de Capucins 30, 1000, Brussels Brussels Belgium





Street address 2

Rue de Capucins 30, 1000, Brussels

Mobile Phone

0039 479 633 577


0039 479 633 577


Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Craiut Rares - Secretary General

Organisation Type

Non-Governmental Organization

Fields of Activity

Youth and education

General Information

The organization is governed by the General Assembly and a 2 year mandate Bureau comprised of a President, 3 VicePresidents and a Treasurer. The General Assembly is made of 19 different Member states of the Council of Europe. The has a running office in Brussels with two employees on an administrative budget of around 100.000 euro/ year. The organization is mainly founded by the European Commission, the COuncil of EUrope and member organizations.

Mission and Objectives

ECYC represents a European network of youth work and youth club organisations that practice and promote open youth work and non-formal education. The organisation has at its heart the supporting of youth clubs and other forms of neighbourhood youth work. Involving young people and helping them participate actively in their community is the leading principle of Open Youth Work as delivered by ECYC members. ECYC uses open youth work and non-formal education methods in providing young people with the skills and knowledge to make their own informed decisions. At ECYC, we believe that young people have the right to pick and choose for themselves. Therefore young people need to be supported and empowered to develop their own values and attitudes.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities run by ECYC are centered around learning seminars and trainings, the main themes being Human Rights, intercultural learning. The organization also runs events tailored to the specific needs of the member organizations (2013 some of the themes were: measuring the impact of open youth work, sexual education and quality of youth work). The organisation also develops and publishes materials related to training and education. For instance in 2015 our main trainings are related to: Human RIghts, Intercultural learning and working with migrant youth.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the network by continuing to organize international learning seminars on the themes or Human Rights and Intercultural learning.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The two main reasons are: exchange of information and developing partnerships with other ALF Network members.