
Anna Lindh Foundation

For Freedom Foundation (Fundacja dla Wolności )

National Network



ul. Angorska 19/U-1 Warsaw Poland





Street address 2

ul. Angorska 19/U-1

Mobile Phone

+48 502 070 701


+48 22 612 76 18

Telephone (other)

+48 534 101 012




Click Here

Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Krzysztof Jarymowicz

Contact Person 2

Antoni Adamowicz

Organisation Type

Non-Governmental Organization

Fields of Activity

Human rights

General Information

Foundation is managed by the board of two people. The board is controlled by the independent council. Our team includes psychologists, sociologists, ethnographers, educators and linguists; Poles and foreigners.

Mission and Objectives

Foundation for Freedom is a non-profit organization founded in Warsaw (Poland) in 2004. Its activities are addressed to people at risk of exclusion because of their origin (including refugees and migrants), skin color, religion, age, sex or sexual orientation. We work with children, adults and seniors.

Main Projects / Activities

Ethnoleague: Multicultural and sex-mixed football league and club for better integration of migrants and women to Polish society. We use football universal rules to teach fair play and anti-discrimination attitudes. We are an active member of the international Football Against Racism in Europe network, the official UEFA partner. We organize international seminars for experts, youth exchanges and workshops for teachers on the anti-discrimination methodologies in sport, and produce manuals. Young refugees: Program for the young refugees in Warsaw. It is a support tool in the refugee center that aims to prepare them for school, social peer contacts and independent functioning in the future. We teach Polish language, help in homework, and develop different skills. We also run sport activities, excursions, and work individually with whole families. Volunteering: We realize several projects of international volunteering and youth exchanges co-financed by Erasmus+. We work with dozens of organizations from across Europe, as well as Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, China and Mexico among others. Together with several other organizations we run webside with open educationoal courses for volunteers. T-shirt for Freedom: The aim of the campaign, which started in 2004, was to stimulate discussion on tolerance and minority rights in Poland. It is a solidarity gesture with groups discriminated because of their appearance, origin, sex, disease and other traits. T-shirts with slogans like I’m a lesbian, I’m unemployed, I was in prison, I am an Arab, I do not listen to the Pope revealed nationwide discussion. The campaign has been supported by Oliviero Toscani and dozens of important Polish politicians, artists and athletes. T-shirts were sold out to thousands of people, we also held many debates and exhibitions.