
Anna Lindh Foundation

Forum for Development, Culture and Dialogue (FDCD)

National Network



Furn El Chebbak, facing Lebanese University (Faculty of Arts), Azarieh Bldg., 4th floor Beirut 1106 Lebanon





Street address 2

Furn El Chebbak, facing Lebanese University (Faculty of Arts), Azarieh Bldg., 4th floor






Click Here

Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Ms. Mireille El Hamouche

Organisation Type

Individual Person

Fields of Activity

Democracy and community development

General Information

1. NGO, Headed by Board & Executive Committee, run by Executive Director, 4 employees and 2 fulltime volunteers. 2. Approximately USD 350.000 3. UN, NGOs, International NGOs, Ecumenical Organizations, faith-based organizations. 4. Youth, training workshops, documentary films, coordination of networks. 5. The Arab Group for Christian Muslim Dialogue (Lebanon), Dan mission (Denmark), Permanent Peace Movement (Lebanon), The Arab Partnership for Conflict Prevention and Human Security.

Mission and Objectives

FDCD represents an interfaith-based, integrated initiative rising from the community and aiming to restore dignity to marginalized, oppressed, and dehumanized individuals and communities. We strive to work w/ communities of faith, both Muslim and Christian, to work alongside civil society organizations to address the challenges that face their communities, individually and collectively. This is done through a process of dialogue, inter-faith solidarity and cooperation among communities in the Middle East. Through this sense of solidarity, and through intervention in specific locales, we work to: • activate the role that religious communities, Muslim and Christian, can play as they strive for cultural, social, and economic empowerment of marginalized communities and the promotion of sustainable development • advocate for and encourage the peaceful transformation of conflict at multiple levels in society as a means of building peace through justice and reconciliation

Main Projects / Activities

Empowerment and Solidarity. Helping poor and marginal communities in the urban and rural slums in Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Palestine and Iraq. Justice w/ Peace. Creation of a regional network of Arab NGO’s working on conflict resolution in connection w/ the Arab Partnership of Conflict Prevention and Human Security and the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict. Work w/ media and conflict issues, media covering situations of conflict, “the voice of refugees in the media”, “youth communicating peace through alternative channels” (forthcoming). Intercultural and Interfaith dialogue. International work and study camp, July 2005 and 2006. Danish-Arab dialogue workshop and documentary entitled “I See Myself Through You – filming the process of cross-cultural understanding and communication”, May 2006.