
Anna Lindh Foundation

Foundation for Partnership and Civil Society Development

National Network



Riva 8 52100 Pula Croatia





Street address 2

Riva 8


+385 52 212 938




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Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Helga Može

Organisation Type

Public Institution

Fields of Activity

Democracy and community development

General Information

1. Structure of the organisation The Foundation has been founded by the Istrian Regional Government. The purpose of the Foundation is the development of the partnership and civil society in the Istrian Region. The Foundation is intended for citizens, citizen associations in the Istrian Region, bodies of local authorities in the Istrian Region, as well as units of local authorities in the Istrian Region. The Foundation bodies are the following : a) Foundation Board b) President of the Foundation The Foundation Board has a president and four members who are appointed by the Founder for the period of 4 years. Currently in the foundation , we have 5 employees, of which one is the Director of the Foundation, secretary , person in charge of international cooperation, person in charge of project coordination, and person in charge of financial coordination. 2. Budgetary resources available in a year (2008) In 2008 , we had available the following budget: 2.000.000,00 kuna. This has been assured by the Istrian Regional Government, National Foundation for civil society development, City and county fund, and other supporters (mentioned in the sources of funding). 3. Sources of funding The basic assets of the Foundation at the moment of its founding consist of the founders’ share and the amount 100.000,00 Croatian kuna ( in letters :one hunder thousand kuna). Other than the mentioned assets the means of the Foundation are raised by the donations of the Founders, supporter members, foundation activites , donations of Croatian and foreign private and legal persons , as well as economic expoitation of the assets in accordance with Article 16 of the Law on Foundations. 5. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities a)The Istrian Regional Government b) The National Foundation for civil society development in Croatia (seating in Zagreb) c) The European Commission through the Europe for Citizens Programme d) The city and county Fund (which consists of cities and counties in the Istrian Region) e) Bussiness sector supporters (Pula Airport, BM Euromont, Banks) f) ALDA, Association of Local Democracy Agencies, seating Strassbourg g) Local NGOs: Suncokret, Informo, Zum , Smart, Gong, h) Istrian Development Agency i) BPW- association of business professional women j) The Governmental NGO office seated in Zagreb

Mission and Objectives

The Foundation has been founded with the basic purpose of developing partnership and civil society in the Istrian Region. For the purpose of achieving its main goals the Foundation offers informational, professional, and financial support for various programmes which promote sustainability of non-profit sector, cooperation,citizen initiative, philantropy , volunteering, improving the institution of society, as well as other programs which realize the basic purpose of the foundation. The Foundation has three main functions: 1. Financial - it entails publishing Tenders and support for various organizations 2. Informative - offers basic information about civil society and its function 3. Educational - organization of various workshops, lectures and seminars.

Main Projects / Activities

Every year we evaluate the implementation of projects that we finance. Our employees go to site visits to see the implementation processes of the projects, and later on they deliver detailed reports of projects activites. Project I.C.E. is sufinanced by the European Union thorought the programme “ Europe for citizens”.Promotion of Active European Citizenship “ Projects under measure 3 “ Support for projects initiated by civil society organization” of Action 2 “ Active civil society in Europe”. Partners in the project: Istrian Regional government, ALDA , Suncokret,Zum, Informo. The project has the overall objective to broaden the knowledge and the understanding of the European Union and the process of European Integration in general among Croatian citizens. Specific objectives to wide the knowledge and information of the target groups about the EU and the understanding of European integration process., promote European priority themes, European citizenship , intercultural dialogue and volunteering.