
Anna Lindh Foundation

Foundation for the Development of Northern Montenegro - FORS MONTENEGRO

National Network



Ivana Milutinovica 10 Niksic Montenegro





Street address 2

Ivana Milutinovica 10

Mobile Phone




Telephone (other)




E-Mail (2)



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Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Veselin Sturanovic

Contact Person 2

Emil Kocan

Organisation Type

Non-Governmental Organization

Fields of Activity

Democracy and community development

General Information

FORS Montenegro is a Regional Development Agency established on the initiative of employees of CHF International.The establishing process for FORS Montenegro has been initiated by those directly involved in community development initiatives in Northern Montenegro i.e. members of CHF International as individuals, along with representatives of partnering municipalities, that displayed their initiative and identified the necessity of establishment of a body to coordinate and lead economic development activities in the region. FORS Montenegro has taken up a highly significant role in implementation of development projects in the north of Montenegro. To carry out these activities, FORS cooperated with the other stakeholders in this region, such as: Government Ministries, Mayors of municipalities, Businessmen, representatives from agricultural, educational, cultural, tourism and health sectors, non-governmental organizations, both local and international. Through this valuable cooperation, FORS, began to gain the trust of the above-mentioned institutions, is being approached to provide consultancy services, or involved in the different development activities, principally in development and implementation of local community projects.

Mission and Objectives

Mission:FORS Montenegro is the organisation that actively cooperates with local instittutions and citizens, regional and international organizations, as to mutally realize projects, which aim is to hasten sustainable development that conduces to the attraction of investments, motivation of development of micro, mini and medium enterprises, promotion of competitive advantages of Northern Montenegro and retching of participation of citizens into projects that are resulting to the improvement of life standards and are directed to promote the protection of life environment. Vision:FORS Montenegro is a reliable partner and a leader in abetment of sustainable development of Northern Montenegro.

Main Projects / Activities

Since its establishment, FORS has implemented or commenced implementation of different activities, predominantly in the following fields: 1)Regional positioning (setting up priorities, project identification, support in implementation, and implementation)2)Supporting community strengthening projects through economic development, 3)Surveys, analysis and IT sector projects Finished projects:CRDA-E (USAID funded project), Improvement of reproductive health (EU funded project), PFOA establishment (SNV funded project)