
Anna Lindh Foundation

Fundación Al Fanar para el Conocimiento Árabe

National Network



Colmenares, 5 4ºizq 28004 Madrid Spain





Street address 2

Colmenares, 5 4ºizq 28004





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Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Pedro Rojo Pérez

Contact Person 2

Pedro Rojo

Organisation Type

Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation

Fields of Activity

International/Cultural relations

General Information

The Al Fanar Foundation for Arab Knowledge was established in Madrid in February 2012 (reg. number 1488) after the donation of the Al Fanar Traductores’s documentary collection composed by more than 150,000 Arabic press headlines and 10,000 articles translated into Spanish, compiled over the last ten years. Al Fanar has the main office in Madrid and representatives in Rabat (Morocco), Cairo (Egypt) and Amman (Jordan). We have three people working full time and one part time, and more than 30 collaborators. Our budget for this year is approximately €40,000, being our main source of income the subscriptions to our news bulletins and the translation work we do. Our partners are mainly Spanish public institutions interested in the Arab World like Casa Árabe, IEMed, CSIC, etc. Our main field of work is the translation and creation of information from the Arab World to Spanish and other western languages, and vice versa.

Mission and Objectives

The Foundation’saim is to bring the Arab reality inall its facets closer to the Spanish speaking environment, in particular, and to the West, in general. This rapprochement aims to foment cultural relations and cooperationin the academic, cultural, socialand economic spheres with the Arab world.

Main Projects / Activities

As depositaries of Al Fanar’s documentary archive we have the duty to enlarge and foment it use as a source of information for academics, journalists and general people interested in the Arab World. We also create specific bulletins like the “Bulletin of renewable energy in the Arab world”. Al Fanar also translates texts and documents written in Spanish into Arabic, like the IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook. Also Al Fanar collaborate in other type of projects of collaboration, translationand interchange of opinions between Arab and Spanish authors like an exhibition called “Palestinian history and identity through graphic humor”, or the creation of the three lingual (Spanish, Arabic and English) comic Babili’s Home (www.casababili.org), based on a Iraqi novel and illustrated by Spanish artists.