
Anna Lindh Foundation

GERERE: Group of Studies and Research on Renewable Energies and the Environment

National Network



À l'IAV Hassan II. BP 6202 Morocco



Street address 2

À l'IAV Hassan II. BP 6202

Mobile Phone

+ (212.61) 23 34 34


+ (212.37) 77 74 43

Telephone (other)

+ (212.66) 14 25 84



E-Mail (2)



Click Here

Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Abdelkrim Bennani

Contact Person 2

Ali Agoumi

Organisation Type

Non-Governmental Organization

Fields of Activity

Environment/Sustainable development

General Information

1. NGO , scientific non-profit association , board of 7 renewable members every each 3 years . . About 70 members . . Variable ressources , according to the treated projects. . Projects financed by the IO ( FEM , PNUE, PNUD ) , the bilateral cooperation ( JICA, GTZ,.. ) or the state ( Department of the energy and the environment , state offices ,..) 4. Formation , information , sensitization , R&D , seminars , conferences , publications ,.. 5. The universities , the departments of the energy and the environment . 6. NGO strongly involved in the question of the climatic changes , in the national and international level , ( members of Climate Action Network) , licensed at the CCNUCC.

Mission and Objectives

1. Development of renewable energies by the formation, the R&D, information and sensitizing . 2. Research action for the protection of the environment and the sustainable development. 3. R&D, action for the attenuation of the impacts of the climatic changes and adaptation to these impacts .

Main Projects / Activities

1. Formation and information ( seminars , conferences ,ect..) 2. Publication of documents of sciences and technology dispersion related to the renewable energies, to the environment and to climatic changes . 3. Elaboration of technical reports on these questions ( studies ) 4. R&D