Anna Lindh Foundation

Global Ecovillage Network for Europe, Middle East and Africa, (GEN-Europe)

National Network



Sieben Linden 1 38489 Beetzendorf Germany





Street address 2

Sieben Linden 1


+49 39000 903197


Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Martina Grosse Burlage

Organisation Type

Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation

Fields of Activity

Democracy and community development

General Information

GEN-Europe is a non-profit membership organisation foun­ded in 1996 and open to a wide range of projects in Europe, Middle East and Africa regardless of their political, religious or cultural backgrounds. Its legal seat is in Beetzendorf, Germany where the main secretariat is located, branch offices in Italy and UK. GEN-Europe has around 5 part-time employees and an annual budget of EUR 110 000 from conference/course fees and membership fees. GEN Europe full members are fully established ecovillages and national networks (incorporating at least two ecovillages with elected representatives). Full members must be approved by the GEN-Europe council. Full members have voting rights at the General Assembly. GEN-Europe forms part of GEN International, an NGO with consultative status at the UN-Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) commission, and a partner of United Nations Institute for Training and Research, UNITAR.

Mission and Objectives

GEN-Europe is the European-African-Middle Eastern ecovillage association promoting social resilience, environmental pro­tection and restoration of nature through the concept of ecovillages as models for sustainable human settlements. We actively support the de­vel­opment of ecovillages and networks in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Main Projects / Activities

GEN-Europe participates at national and international events to represent and promote the ecovillage movement, e g COP 16 in Cancun. GEN organises an annual conference and numerous courses and seminars with members and partners, as well as maintains email discussion groups. Its own and member projects, initiatives and events are advertised in articles in Permaculture Magazine, the GEN database, GEN's inter-active web-site, on which you can regularly update your own pages GEN-Europe selects and presents the European Ecovillage Excellence Award annually.

Additional Information

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