Anna Lindh Foundation

Initiative Minderheiten (Initiative for Miniorities)

National Network



Gumpendorfer Str. 15/13, 1060 Wien / Vienna Vienna Austria





Street address 2

Gumpendorfer Str. 15/13, 1060 Wien / Vienna


0043 1 966 90 01


E-Mail (2)

Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Cornelia Kogoj

Contact Person 2

Gamze Ongan

Organisation Type

Non-Governmental Organization

Fields of Activity

Human rights

General Information

* 5 emploees * Euro 250.000,- * ESF, Ministry of Education, The City of Vienna * Exhibition "Romane Thana - Orte der Roma" (Wien Museum 2014), ROMBAS-Romabildungs- und ausbildungsstudie (2013-2014), Symposium "Mehrsprachigkeit in Wien historisch betrachtet" (2013), Zeitschrift STIMME (quarterly), Radio STIMME * Romano Centro, Verein Romaservice, Wien Museum, Landesmuseum Burgenland, Arbeiterkammer Wien, VHS Wien etc.

Mission and Objectives

Since 1991, Initiative Minderheiten has been advocating for and contributing to creating a society that acknowledges and affords equal treatment and equal rights to minorities in their individual life concepts regardless of their ethnic, social or religious affiliation, sexual orientation or dis/ability. A society can only be considered to have acknowledged minority rights if it facilitates and supports different life concepts in a fair and equal manner. Initiative Minderheiten works towards creating minority alliances. IM defines a minority as people who experience discrimination based on their ethnic, social or religious affiliation, sexual orientation or dis/ability. Politically, discrimination means excluding certain people from certain rights; socially, it means experiencing prejudices and exclusions. This definition is not based on a group’s number of members, but rather on their lack of power in comparison to that of the hegemonic majority.

Main Projects / Activities

Exhibition "Gastarbajteri - 40 Jahre Arbeitsmigration" (Gastarbajteri - 40 Years of Labor Migration, Wien Museum and Hauptbücherei 2004),

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

* with our magazine STIMME * with our radio programm Radio STIMME * with our newwsletter * with facbook

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

* communication * projects