National Network
Montebello Allé 1 3000 Helsingør DenmarkCountry
3000 HelsingørStreet address 2
Montebello Allé 1Telephone
+45-49213361Telephone (other)
+45-28933051E-Mail (2)
elisabet@diedrichs.netE-Mail (3)
Click HereYear of Establishment
1921Contact Person1
Søren LaunbjergContact Person 2
Elisabet DiedrichsOrganisation Type
OtherFields of Activity
Youth and educationGeneral Information
IPC is a Folk High School - a Danish institution for non-formal education for youth (over 18 years) and adult students - but IPC is special because it gathers students from all over the world. The students live and study together at the school. The staff encounters approximately 20 persons. The budget turnover is 14 million Danish crowns. IPC is funded by the state support for folk high schools and by its students. The school is led by a board that are elected from an assembly of committed citizens which also employs the principal.Mission and Objectives
The main idea of IPC is to bring as many different cultures together and to encourage dialogue, understanding, interest and mutual respect in a world, where tolerance is a necessity and diversity is an adventure. The study program of IPC offers a wide range of global issues and classes. We focus on Global Citizenship, Global Development and Politics, but stay independent of religious or political ideologiesMain Projects / Activities
The main activities are 2 "long courses" of 18 and 22 weeks, but shorter courses and seminars are also organised.How can you contribute to the Network in your country?
Probably by sharing our experience - but IPC can also host seminars and meetings for the network or for participating organisations.Why do you want to join the ALF Network?
We wish to get in contact with NGOs and committed people from all the EuroMed area. We also think that our experience of teaching in a multicultural environment can be a contribution to the network and might be subject to exchange projects.