
Anna Lindh Foundation

KRUG Youth Center Foundation (KRUG Art Movement)

National Network



6600 Kardzhali, 3, blvd. Trakia, KRUG Gallery - Space for cultural policy 6747 village of Dazhdovnitsa, Kardzhali municipality,European Cultural Youth House 1000 Sofia, 161, Rakovski Str, floor 2, Krug Literary Magazine Kardzhali Bulgaria





Street address 2

6600 Kardzhali, 3, blvd. Trakia, KRUG Gallery - Space for cultural policy 6747 village of Dazhdovnitsa, Kardzhali municipality,European Cultural Youth House 1000 Sofia, 161, Rakovski Str, floor 2, Krug Literary Magazine

Mobile Phone

+359 888 222 540


(+359)361 28392

Telephone (other)

+359 889 494 336



E-Mail (2)



Click Here

Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Galina Dimova

Contact Person 2

Margarita Kovacheva

Organisation Type

Non-Governmental Organization

Fields of Activity


General Information

Krug started as a non-formal structure (1998-2001) and was transformed into NGO in 2002.It is run by a circle of young people from Kardzhali and Sofia, working in the field of art on both professional and voluntary level. Big part of activities is based on the two contracts for co-operation between Municipality Kardzhali and Krug in the field of culture and art for the period 2002-2013. The transformation of the old city gallery into an Art Center and of the 100 years old school building in Duzhdovnitsa village, inhabited only by the Turkish minority, into an European Cultural House (subject of the contracts) is the equivalent of the development of an art "zones" network for partnership with partners from Balkan and Mediterranean regions and EU countries. Budgetary resources available in a year: average 44 000 – 50000 euro. Staff: 2 at a full time, 7 at a part time, 27 volunteers.

Mission and Objectives

Krug aims to investigate and to provide new art zones, including art village development, to bring young artists and poets together, to improve international relations between youngsters, to promote good art practices, addressing young people and to develop greater understanding of the creative process amongst communities across Europe and the Balkans. Since 1998 we have worked together with Dutch, Macedonian, Japanese, Swiss, Italian, German, Czech, Greek, and Turkish organizations and individual young artists.

Main Projects / Activities

Co-organiser of: Bulgarian-Dutch street festival – Sofia'00; Youth street "North - East Westival" – Den Helder'01; Literary performance in the program of Struga literary evenings – Struga'02; Bulgarian-Macedonian travelling performance "From door to door" – Sofia, Kurdjali, Strumica, Skopie'02; Bulgarian-Swiss colloborative action "Donkey festival" – Sofia, Plovdiv, Kurdjali'02; International multilateral action on ЕU Program YOUTH "Rhodopes – old space performing arts" with 5 countries-participants – Kurdjali, Duzhdovnitsa'03; International voluntary action, realized wit participants from 7 countries – Kurdjali, Duzhdovnitsa'04; International multilateral action on EU Program YOUTH “EU days of stone” with 4 countries-participants – Kurdjali, Duzhdovnitsa'05. Leading organization of: a Cooperation project "European Cultural Youth House – Art Horizons", supported by the Swiss Cultural Programme Bulgaria Pro Helvetia/SDC"’05-08; a BG-Turkish project research "Artbridge – effective strategies for cross-border co-operation between youth groups and NGOs"’05-07; "Arthorizons" international pleinair’05-08, Multi-measure “Youth in action” EU project targeting rural youngsters activities’08-09; 27 published issues of Krug Literary magazine, 86 publications on art and culture.