
Anna Lindh Foundation

Ma'an Network

National Network


Street address 2


00 972 2 276 0085



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Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Valentina Al-Ama

Contact Person 2

Charlotte Alfred

Organisation Type

Non-Governmental Organization

Fields of Activity


General Information

Ma'an Network is a non-profit media organization dedicated to strengthening independent Palestinian media in order to enhance the development of democracy and human rights in Palestine. Our nine-member Ma'an Board of Directors, elected by the Ma'an General Assembly, guide our training, production, broadcast and research activities. We have over 100 permanent employees and approximately 160 staff members based at our partner stations. Our partner TV stations are: Al-Amal TV (Hebron), Amwaj TV (Ramallah), Al-Quds Educational TV (Ramallah), Bethlehem TV, Farah TV (Jenin), Nablus TV, Qalqilia TV, Al-Salam TV (Tulkarem) Our partner radio stations are: Amwaj Radio (Ramallah), Al-Balad Radio (Jenin), Kul Al-Nas Radio (Tulkarem), Marah Radio (Hebron), Radio Mawwal (Bethlehem), Nablus FM, Al-Qamar Radio (Jericho), Nagham Radio (Qalqilia). Our 2009 annual operating budget was $3 million. Our major funders include the UK Department for International Development, the European Commission and Search for Common Ground.

Mission and Objectives

Ma'an Network’s mission is to empower Palestinians by providing independent news and information, facilitating public discussions and interaction between Palestinian citizens and decision-makers, and bringing Palestinian voices to global audiences. As an independent Palestinian media organization, Ma'an seeks to lead the way in developing Palestinian media into a force for positive social change, accountability, and democracy in Palestine. Through enhanced cooperation between local, regional and international media, we aim to strengthen Palestinian media outlets and educate the international community about Palestine. Ma'an also works to create opportunities for public debate on critical issues, and to empower citizens to participate actively in these discussions via television and radio talk shows where they can question governmental and community leaders. Ma'an aims to help Palestinian media achieve global standards of excellence and greater international credibility while better meeting local people’s needs for reliable information and news.

Main Projects / Activities

Media productions: our TV and radio programs include feature stories, documentaries, talk shows, quiz shows and drama films and serials. Ma'an productions are broadcast on local Palestinian partner stations and regional satellite channels. Ma'an News Agency (MNA): around the clock local, regional and international news published online and with additional SMS and IVR services. MNA is published in Arabic, English and Hebrew. MNA is among the most regularly browsed websites in the occupied Palestinian territories. Trainings and workshops: we regularly hosted training courses focused on capacity building in the Palestinian media. Our courses have covered everything from Hebrew for Palestinian journalists to television drama production and most are open to Palestinian journalists or technicians from other media organizations. Research unit: surveys public attitudes towards media and Palestinian governance, which is used to evaluate and refine our programming to better respond to the needs of the Palestinian public.