
Anna Lindh Foundation

Mreža mladih Hrvatske / Croatian Youth Network

National Network



Selska cesta 112c Zagreb, 10 000 Croatia




Zagreb, 10 000

Street address 2

Selska cesta 112c

Mobile Phone

+ 385 99 732 95 91


+ 385 1 4573 937



E-Mail (2)



Click Here

Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Jovana Kepčija Pavlović

Organisation Type

Non-Governmental Organization

Fields of Activity

Youth and education

General Information

Mreža mladih Hrvatske/Croatian Youth Network is an alliance of national and local youth organizations in Croatia. CYN gathers 57 different organizations sharing a common interest in developing youth policy on national and regional/local levels. Croatian Youth Network is managed by the Management Board, which is consisted of representatives of member organizations. Other administrative bodies are Supervisory Committee and the General Assembly which is the highest body. Current number of staff in project team is 3. Expected budget for year 2009 is about EUR 70 000 CYN’s activities are funded by: National Foundation For Civil Society Development, Regional Foundation For Local Development, City of Zagreb – Office For Culture, Education and Sports as well as the Health Department. CYN continuously works in 5 different program areas: National youth policy development, Local youth policy development, Capacity building for youth organizations, International cooperation and Info-service and publishing. Main partners in Croatia are various non-governmental organizations as well as student associations, youth wings of political parties and public administration bodies. CYN is a member of European Youth Forum which is the most representative pan-European umbrella organization.

Mission and Objectives

Croatian Youth Network develops public youth policies through informing, advocating, thematic networking, international cooperation, supporting youth organizations and building partnerships with governmental institutions. CYN aims to establish cooperation and improved communication among youth organizations, regardless of their program identifications, organizational structure, and in full respect of their political, world-view, racial, national, sexual, religious and cultural identifications and identifications of young people which they represent or advocate. CYN conducts advocating of interests and needs of young people in Croatia and building partnerships with governmental institutions in creating and implementing youth policy.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth Policy – education and advocacy Local Youth Policy – establishing youth councils, supporting youth advisory board, researches on youth activism Youth Social Entrepreneurship Youth in Media Sexual Education for Youth Active Participation of Youth in Society – trainings, conferences, seminars