National Network
Koza Sokak No:111 GOP, Ankara / Turkey Ankara/ TurkeyCountry
AnkaraStreet address 2
Koza Sokak No:111 GOP, Ankara / TurkeyTelephone
Click HereYear of Establishment
2006Contact Person1
Jak den ExterOrganisation Type
Non-Governmental OrganizationFields of Activity
ArtsGeneral Information
The initiator and most important financial supporter of NIHA is the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, politically represented by the Minister and the Undersecretary, professionally represented by Dr. L.J. Roborgh (Director-General for Higher Education, Vocational Education and Science), Mr. J.P. van Ham (Director for Higher Education) and Mrs. E. Dankert (Policy Advisor Higher Education). The Administrator of the NIHA is the Leiden University. Because of the regulations of the Turkish law system the “Association for Higher Education Turkey-the Netherlands” had to be founded on behalf of the foundation of NIHA. The Board of Directors consists of the members of the Executive Board of Leiden University: Prof.mr. P.F. van der eijden, Prof. Dr. T. van Haaften and Mr. H.W. te Beest. The Board of the Turkish representation of this Association consists of Mr. Ahmet Yüksel, at the same time Public Relations Advisor of NIHA and Mr. Mehmet Ercan Arıkan, at the same time Legal Advisor of NIHA. NIHA has a Scientific Advisory Council (WAR). The President of the WAR is Prof. Dr. E.J. Zürcher (Leiden University). Members are: Prof. Dr. Rinus Penninx (Universiteit van Amsterdam), Prof. Dr. Wim Groot (Maastricht University), Prof. Dr. Henk van Gemert (Tilburg University), drs. Geri Bonhof (Utrecht University of Applied Sciences), mr. Ricardo Winter (Amsterdam VET College) and mr. Henri Geursen (Dutch Trade Board). Currently, 14 proffesiionals and 4 interns are working at NIHA.Mission and Objectives
The mission of NIHA can be described as follows: NIHA aims to contribute to the internationalization of the Higher and Vocational Education in the Netherlands by acting as effective promoter and intermediary. It is understood that the work areas, objectives and target groups have been chosen in such a way that NIHA can fulfil its mission. In addition to the main activities of supply and acquisition NIHA will carry out other activities as well in the fields of: Environment and Water Management, Agriculture and Horticulture, Tourism and Hospitality, EU Awareness and Youth Networks, Culture, History and Heritage, Mediation and Conflict Management, Healthcare and Wellness.Main Projects / Activities
Please refer to the link for detailed activities:http://www2.nihankara.org/index.php?p=5&lang=2