National Network
Apartado 2195, 7001-901 Évora Évora PortugalCountry
ÉvoraStreet address 2
Apartado 2195, 7001-901 ÉvoraMobile Phone
+351 917 638 023Telephone
+351 266 732 504E-Mail (2)
Click HereYear of Establishment
1998Contact Person1
Diana MiraOrganisation Type
Non-Governmental OrganizationFields of Activity
ArtsMission and Objectives
PedeXumbo is a cultural association that has been promoting popular dances and music in Portugal since 1998. The association was born of a small group of fellows’ longing to dance informally in a time when traditional dances were confined to productions staged by professional folk ensembles. The Association now hires five professionals, but it is backed up by a thousand volunteers to organise events all around the country, all year long. These events have the main purpose of restoring to popular balls its socialising role: we would like to see everybody enjoying dancing, witch ever style, sharing a moment together. Our events are meant to occur in tune with local people and habits, always with a care to environmental sustainability.Main Projects / Activities
Our activities can be grouped in four main areas: 4. Festivals 2. Education 3. Rebuilding popular music 4. Regular Programme