National Network
1 Baikal Str. 2900 Gotce Delchev, BulgariaCountry
2900 Gotce Delchev,Street address 2
1 Baikal Str.Mobile Phone
+ 359 898 556 832Telephone
+ 359 751 62651Telephone (other)
+359 897 918616E-Mail (2)
i_balabanova@yahoo.comYear of Establishment
2009Contact Person1
Iliana StoychevaContact Person 2
Atanas BalabanovOrganisation Type
Non-Governmental OrganizationFields of Activity
GenderGeneral Information
People&Borders Foundation is small NGO recently established by activists in field of Human Rights, gender equality and cultural relations. The Board consists by 3 persons - PR expert, journalist and sociologist - 2 women and 1 men. The decision are taken by the Board. In 2009 the Foundation was selected as a national coordinator of Global Media Monitoring Project 2009-2010 the largest and longest study on the representation of women in the world’s media). The budget resource for this Project, provided by GMMP was 520$. In addition the Founders of the organisation, which are members of the Board, made donation for the establishment of organisation - 1000 Euro. The amount of 1000 Euro spends for covering office and communication expenditures for 2009 - 2010. Organisation is involved as partner of Project implemented by Macedonian Helsinki Committee for HR (MHCHR) for developing indicators for measuring discrimination of women and girls at local level. The amount provided by MHCHR - 330 Euro. In its short period of existence People&Borders Foundation managed to create informal group of women for discussing main problems faced by women and girl from the region. The Foundation is starting dialogue with representatives from municipality on possibilities for establishment of women forum group as an advisory group in the municipality. Main partners of People&Borders Foubdation are NGOs working in field of Human Rights, Equality between women and men, cultural initiatives from Bulgaria and abroad like Center for tolerance "Amalipe", Women's Association for Equal Opportunities, Macedonian Helsinki Committee, etc.Mission and Objectives
People&Borders Foundation is established in South-West part of Bulgaria, where population is multi-ethnic (Bulgarians, Roma, muslim minorities). The situation of women in the area is characterised with strong patriarchal model, especially for women from muslim minorities. There is lack of sensitiveness, knowledge and understanding of gender issues not only among citizens but also among authorities. As a result women and especially women and young girls from from minority groups are not representing in decision making bodies, Gender mainstreaming policy does not exist at local level. This situation reiterates the patriarchal stereotypes and the voice of women from different minority groups is not part of the agenda of local parliaments. Problems like VAW, incl. DV, Trafficking in women and girls, early marriages, early school exclusion, discrimination on the labor market, etc. are still exists and some of them are among the hidden phenomenon and undiscussed topics. People&Borders Foundation is the only NGO in the region working in field of gender equality and Women's Human Rights. One of the main objective of organisation is to create favorable condition for achieving gender equality and support women and girls from all groups to achieve Women's Human Rights and economic independent through education, advocacy campaigns, networking and civil dialogue with authorities. We work for raising sensitiveness and understanding on equality between women and men and to initiate the implementation of gender mainstreaming policy at local level. The aims of the Foundation is to breaking stereotypes on positions on women and men and to eradicate Gender based Violence through ensuring equal participation of women in decision making process, advancing women’s sexual and reproductive rights, developing civil dialogues, increasing women’s and girls’ access to education.Main Projects / Activities
Global Media Monitoring Project 2009-2010 - National Coordinator - http://www.whomakesthenews.org/2010/2010-preliminary-report.html The Project aimed to study gender in the world’s news media and People&Borders Foundation made monitoring and research at national level. As a national coordinator the organisation also used GMMP "Who makes the news" as advocacy initiative on changing gender representation in the media.