National Network
5, Stara Planina st. Sofia BulgariaCountry
SofiaStreet address 2
5, Stara Planina st.Telephone
+ 359 889 888 905Website
Click HereYear of Establishment
2006Contact Person1
Verginia AnanievaOrganisation Type
Non-Governmental OrganizationFields of Activity
Democracy and community developmentGeneral Information
There are 12 people working for the PDJS: 7 of them on a part-time basis, the others are volunteers and support the organization mainly in the process of promoting its activities and in fundraising. The PDJS has a large pool of experts who are mostly magistrates and court clerks who are very well familiar with the work of the courts and are more than ready to contribute to the project. In addition, the local resources of almost 50 courts located in different parts of the country and covering all of the five appellate regions in the judicial system, are also used.Mission and Objectives
is an independent non-governmental organization working to promote the rule of law in Bulgaria and the Balkans. Its mission is to introduce new practices that help the judiciary function as an effective and transparent institution which administers justice in a high-quality and predictable manner. The goal of the organization is to support the judiciary so that it can receive a deserved recognition for its work at the European level and respond to the high expectations of the Bulgarian citizens.Main Projects / Activities
The Program for the Development of the Judicial System (PDJS) is an NGO whose mission is to help the Bulgarian judicial system to develop and implement qualitative, predictable, transparent and effective work practices. Since its establishment in 2007, the PDJS has supported initiatives in more than 40 courts all over the country with the aim to improve the judicial management and administration, to provide timely and accessible court services to citizens and to enhance the professional development of magistrates and court staff. Our team manages pilot projects on both local and national levels related to improving the management of human and financial resources, the adoption of innovative technologies in the courts’ work, facilitating access to justice and increasing public confidence in the judicial system. The PDJS is the only NGO in Bulgaria that has the resources and the know-how to develop and apply directly innovative practices which guarantee fast and qualitative services to citizens, easier access to information and well-timed and fair dispute resolution. These practices have been incorporated into the Court Improvement Plan (CIP) which has been approved by the Supreme Judicial Council. They are implemented in more than 40 courts - participants in the Model Courts and Courts in Partnership Program. The PDJS works to expand the scope of the innovations throughout all Bulgarian courts and to provide sustainability and continuity of the achievements by: • hosting annual meetings of the chairpersons of all courts within the Program; • publishing an e-bulletin – Diary of Good Judicial Practices; • identifying, gathering and presenting courts’ achievements to the public. As a result of successful partnerships, the PDJS has developed long-lasting relationships with all institutions within the judicial system and an extensive network of courts which consider implementing reforms as an essential part of their business practices. In partnership with magistrates, court officials, lawyers and members of the Supreme Judicial Council, the PDJS has developed and put into practice the second Court Improvement Plan (CIP 2). The CIP 2 is a strategic document with the potential to enhance the work of all Bulgarian courts and to increase the quality of justice. At present, the CIP 2 is being implemented in 33 courts and is expected to be approved by the Supreme Judicial Council as a national standard. In the future, the PDJS will continue to work on improving the performance of the judicial bodies and strengthening the rule of law in Bulgaria.