National Network
Lilla bommen 4B 41104 Gothenburg SwedenCountry
GothenburgStreet address 2
Lilla bommen 4BTelephone
00468-698 90 00E-Mail (2)
Hidaya.elharfaoui@rb.seE-Mail (3)
Click HereYear of Establishment
1919Contact Person1
Samira Abutaleb RosenlundhJob Title 1
Programme ManagerContact Person 2
Hidaya El HarfaouiJob Title 2
Programme ManagerOrganisation Type
Non-Governmental OrganizationFields of Activity
Democracy and community developmentGeneral Information
Save the Children started in 1919 in Scotland. We have offices in Sweden and 119 other countries and are fighting for all children 's obvious right to survive, develop and grow up in safety. It is possible to change children's lives - if we help. Our motto is "Together we make the world a better place for the children". We are politically and religiously independent and have the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, as the basis of all our work.Mission and Objectives
• We will work with the children who are most vulnerable. • We are a homogenous organization and need to expand our own democratic areas to get more votes for the organization. • We have devoted ourselves to work since 2008 in collaboration with other actors to strengthen children's rights. • Examples of this are the Parental Forum, which is found in a variety of districts in the three big cities and spreads within Save the Children 's member movement as a way of working with parental issues. In order for meeting places / forums to be formed, leaders are needed.Main Projects / Activities
På lika villkor - On equal terms En satsning vars syfte är att etablera ett långsiktigt barnrättsarbete i socioekonomiskt utsatta områden. Centralt i satsningen är att utgå från boendes eget ägandeskap, delaktighet, engagemang och organisering för barns rättigheter. Fokusområden för att stärka hela kontexten kring barnet och familjen. An initiative whose purpose is to establish long-term child rights work in socio-economically vulnerable areas. Central to the initiative is to base on the owners' own ownership, participation, commitment and organization for children's rights. Focus areas to strengthen the whole context around the child and the family. Other activites in Gothenburg include: Tjej och killforum Sagocafé GRL PWR Mötesplats Hjällbo Konstvägledning Stories from Angered Praktikplatser för unga