
Anna Lindh Foundation

Radijojo World Children's Media Network

National Network



Träger der freien Jugendhilfe, Haus der Jugend, Storkower Str. 113 (B) 10407 Berlin Germany





Street address 2

Träger der freien Jugendhilfe, Haus der Jugend, Storkower Str. 113 (B)


+49 (0) 30 239 788 77




Click Here

Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Thomas Rohlinger

Contact Person 2

Stefan Hopfgarten

Organisation Type

Non-Governmental Organization

Fields of Activity

Youth and education

General Information

Radijojo World Children's Radio Network (in brief: WCRN) is an initiative empowering children to use radio and internet as tools for global learning and cultural exchange. It cooperates with schools, community radios, education, youth and culture organisations worldwide. Partners are organizations like UNESCO, UNICEF, One Laptop Per Child, Pacifica Radio and the network of young producers within the Public Radio Exchange. Unfortunately, so far only our work in the Northern Hemisphere have found funding. All our activities in the South rely on voluntary work. Examples of programmes/projects: An interview with the UN messenger for Peace Jane Goodall, conducted by Mina (9) und Jonathan (13) with questions collected from kids from the Congo, Tanzania, Kenya, Thailand, Germany and the US. The Radijojo-series 'We are Discovering the World' explores how kids in Asia, Africa, South America actually live and establishes active partnerships between participating schools.

Mission and Objectives

WCRN transfers media based education to marginalized children. We see that the Right of Children Declaration does explicitly demand the support of international exchange between children, to enable them to inform themselves and to have access to child-friendly media is NOT fulfilled, not in one single country worldwide. Non-profit, educational and advertising-free media for children by children is not a “nice-to-have”. It is a must – and should therefore be well-established and sustainably financed by national governments, municipality and international organizations to end the constant violation of UN Children's Rights.

Main Projects / Activities

http://www.radijojo.de/WCN_neu/ http://www.radijojo.de/we-are-discovering-the-world/ http://www.radijojo.de/WCN_neu/page/unten.php?pl=Europa&wechsel=ok&konti... ... and many others!