National Network
Rua da Cordoaria, 53, 1 DTO, Cruz de Pau 2845 - 054 Amora Amora PortugalCountry
AmoraStreet address 2
Rua da Cordoaria, 53, 1 DTO, Cruz de Pau 2845 - 054 AmoraMobile Phone
+351212275684E-Mail (2)
Click HereYear of Establishment
2000Contact Person1
Nuno Alexandre Silva CarvalhoContact Person 2
Justyna KuklaOrganisation Type
Non-Governmental OrganizationFields of Activity
MediaGeneral Information
Rato - ADCC has a board of directors (3 members), a General Assembly Board (3 members) and a Audit Comittee Board (3 members). For the implementation of the activities plan, Rato - ADCC has a team of 5 people that are in charge for the following areas: Volunteering, Training, Administration, Informatics and International Projects. The annual budget of Rato - ADCC is 55000€ and the intervention of Rato - ADCC is developed through training courses, youth volunteering, internships, development of online and multimedia projects and international projects (international volunteering, training courses, seminars). Rato - ADCC has different partners at international, national and local level and is funded by Portuguese Youth Institute, Town Hall of Seixal and Youth in Action Programme (through different projects).Mission and Objectives
Rato - Association for Cultural and Scientific Promotion is a Portuguese organisation without profit intentions whose mission is centred on the stating of the society of information and emerging information and communication technologies. This way, the primordial paths of activity are based on training, promotion and implementation of projects which are recurrent of the utilisation of the Computer and New Information Technologies' techniques and methodologies, being the creation of partnerships, with several agents and institutions of different regional levels, as the preferred vector of action. The fundamental factor for the achievement of this vision is Youth, as an engine of development of activities in this domain, but it must promote multilateral mechanisms of generational interactivity.Rato - ADCC is an open project, dynamic to new wills and ideas, in a democratic enrichment perspective of the organisation.Main Projects / Activities
Nowadays, the association develops mainly: * workshops in Informatics and Information Technologies * multimedia and online projects for non profit organizations and initiatives In 2004, Rato - ADCC signs with Town Hall of Seixal a formal agreement and creates in the Youth Center of Miratejo R@to - ADCC's Center, a space dedicated to the development of training and volunteering activities in the field of Information and Communication Techonlogies. In the same year, Rato - ADCC becomes an hosting organization for European Voluntary Service and, since then, has developed a work of promotion of different projects related to Youth Volunteering, hosting youngsters in volunteering activities, practical learning periods or freetime occupation activities combined with the methodologies and resources provided by Informatics and Information and Communication Technologies.How can you contribute to the Network in your country?
Rato - ADCC has its core based on the use Information and Communication Technologies and it has several years of experience on the use of ICT tools for the development of Non Formal Learning projects, for different target groups. Besides that, the organization has also a big intervention in topics such as active participation, european awareness and promotion of information society in different contexts and situations.Why do you want to join the ALF Network?
The motivation of Rato - ADCC to join ALF Network is to create projects and networks with focus on the promotion of Information Society as a path for active citizenship.