
Anna Lindh Foundation

Renaissance Institute

National Network



Ankara Vakıf Caddesi Pilot Oğuz Sever Sokak No:1 Kazan Ankara/ Turkey





Street address 2

Ankara Vakıf Caddesi Pilot Oğuz Sever Sokak No:1 Kazan


+90530 349 8559



E-Mail (2)


E-Mail (3)


Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Mehmet Burak Demircan

Contact Person 2

Hatice Yıldırım

Organisation Type

Non-Governmental Organization

Fields of Activity

Democracy and community development

General Information

Renaissance Institute is established by a group of young people in a town named Kazan, a country side part of Ankara. There is a Board with 7 members who are manageing the NGO in order to produce service for young people who lives out of city center. There are 15 active volunteers working in the office as assistants and a group of volunteer cordinators. Altouhgt, the NGO is new, there aren't any paid workers in the office. The NGO's expected bugdet is likely 10.000 € per year for first two years. It gets financal support from membership fees and donates from businessmen from Kazan town. Also there are many supports from Public Bodies for those NGOs who produce service for people living in country side. So far, the Renaissance Institute, supported three youth initative projects (No-Visa, EVS & Erasmus Explorers, EuroVideoDesk); two youth exchanges (Let's Play Together, We Are Young Active Employable); become partner of six projects which will be held in abroad. The board set the strategy mostly depending on Anna Lindh Foundation's 4D strategy. So our activities focuses on developing Democracy in country side, taking attention on Environmental problems and sustainable development, rising soical statue of women, preventing voilence related with gender issues, developing human rights approach, develoing an approach on intercultural/international dialogue and promoting peace, using media as a tool for democracy and participation, making researches about demands of people who lives in country side, non-formal education for young people. Mostly, EU Affairs Ministry, Governorship of Kazan, Municipality of Kazan, Universities from Ankara, Local Youth and Sport Office are our potential partners in activities that we carry out in local. What is more, there are many other NGOs from Euro-Med countries which involves our projects as partners.

Mission and Objectives

Our objetives are: To enrich young peoples lifes with intercultural activities To establish a sustainable and environmental development both in social and economic To improve the capacity NGOs and Public Bodies in order to develop democratical participation To support to Universities and Researcher to find correct information about people who lives in country side.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities mostly focused on trainings, youth exchanges, consultancy services and coaching for young people. We are interested in any projects which can support young people living in country side in a possitive way. For now our highlighted topics are gender issues, entrepereneurship, youth unemployment, social inclusion, democracy and dialogue.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can participate the researches of National Network in country side. We can disseminate the activities of Network in country side. We can build partnerships to projects for cross border development.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe networking is a very important source for NGOs. Networking helps NGOs to rise their quality on their sevices with sharing best practices; to develop the impact of activities on community with partnerships; working together for same strategy in all around world makes NGOs more powerful. We believe in these reasons and we want to be in the network of Euro-Med Anna Lindh Intercultural Diagolue Foundation.