
Anna Lindh Foundation

Shiraa Association for Development

National Network


Street address 2

Mobile Phone

009 72599089790


009 7222750436

Telephone (other)

009 72522291790



E-Mail (2)



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Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Hussein Al-Hroub, Director

Organisation Type

Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation

Fields of Activity


General Information

Shiraa Organisation for Development is a civil and non-profit organisation. It aims to develop civil society by running programmes for a number of target groups in society. It was established in 2002. In 2008 Shiraa recieved 51,760 NIS for its projects. Its funders include: -Brown University, Philadelphia: funds for a mural project -Junta de Andalucia: funds for the organisation's Peace Computer Centre -Individual donations from friends and visitors Shiraa runs projects which support the development of four target groups: labourers, women, and youth and endeavours to extend its activities to work with the elderly. Shiraa's programmes with labourers focus on refreshing and developing their fields of knowledge and providing employment opportunities. The women's programme facilitates the export of products that are made by the women. Shiraa runs educational and recreational activities for youth. The educational programmes cover topics such as democracy and human rights and equip them with conflict resolution skills. Shiraa's main partners include: Brown Centre, The Peres Center for Peace, the Democracy and Labourers' Rights Centre (Palestine), Care Institution (Palestine), YMCA, International Circus groups such as the German circus Cabwazi and the English circus Bomchicha.

Mission and Objectives

Shiraa aims to develop society by: -increasing connections between different generations in society; -to enable its target groups to understand modernisation within wider society so that it can develop and interact within it -to provide tools for overcoming conflicts which hinder social development

Main Projects / Activities

Shiraa runs programmes for labourers, specifically aiming to educate the labourers so that they understand their rights in the in the workplace. Shiraa helps labourers to overcome problems and offers them free offical advice about worker law. Shiraa also helps the labourers to find job opportunities. Shiraa works with women, helping them to export their locally made produce such as their embroidery products. The organisation also seeks to educate women about their rights. Shiraa runs recreational programmes and educational courses for youth groups. Examples include: circus training, drama workshops, human rights/democracy/conflict resolution workshops. Shiraa would like to extend its activities to care for the elderly in society, specifically supporting them through food aid, medical care and recreational activities. Shiraa organisation carries out programmes which respond to the needs of society. The organisation's departments- labourers, women, youth, elderly- research the needs of their target groups to ensure that the programmes are effective. Based on this research, Shiraa's five year plan includes the following: -an employment office -develop job safety standards in the workplace to protect labourers and develop courses to inform labourers about job safety standards -ensure that trained doctors assess any injury sustained by labourers in the workplace so that they can receive compensation -develop a technology college which runs courses to meet the needs of society and the market -school for arts: painting, circus training, dancing, singing and music (Shiraa has started groups in each of these fields but would like the infrastructure of a school to develop these skills). -a school which specifically educates gifted students, and parents about bringing up their children -an all-age centre where the eldery in particular can receive care. The centre would provide food and healthcare services for the elderly and allow them to take part in recreational activities. The centre would also encourage them to use their traditional skills to make products which could be sold to provide income for them so that they can depend less on others and would also be a place where children could come to learn these skills to keep the traditional culture alive.