
Anna Lindh Foundation

Sisterhood is Global Institute Jordan (SIGI) جمعية معهد الدولي لتضامن النساء

National Network



Tala` al-`ali, Wasfi Tal Street- building #145- 4th floor PO Box 4716 Amman 11115 Jordan





Street address 2

Tala` al-`ali, Wasfi Tal Street- building #145- 4th floor PO Box 4716

Mobile Phone



962 6 5543894/67

Telephone (other)




E-Mail (2)



Click Here

Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Mrs Maisoon Al Amarneh

Organisation Type

Non-Governmental Organization

Fields of Activity

Democracy and community development

General Information

(SIGI Jordan) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization established in 1998. Its founders include lawyers, jurists and human rights activists working to support and promote women's rights through education, developing skills, training and presenting modern technology. SIGI Jordan is a member of the coordinating committee of NGO's under Jordan national committee for woman affairs headed by her highness princess Basma Bint Talal. SIGI Jordan) seek to empower women to play a more meaningful role in the Jordanian democratic transition in the areas of human rights, democratic participation and empowerment. Through manuals, workshops, trainings and other educational publications, the SIGI Jordan works with a diverse constituency of Jordanian women to increase their political awareness, communication and advocacy skills, and overall works on women's and human rights education through: 1) Conduct research and distribute information about human rights abuses against women in Jordan. 2) Educate and inform women of their rights. 3) Empower women through education and training. 4) Expand and facilitate participation of women's human rights networks locally, nationally and globally. Our message: The Global Women's Movement: Anytime, Anywhere GlobalSister.org creates a space for an "always on" global Women's Movement. Harnessing the power of online social networking and communications technology, GlobalSister.org serves as an online, virtual launching point, empowering women's groups and organizations to contribute to and participate in the global Women's Movement anytime, from anywhere.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission & Vision: Through empowerment, friendship, Awareness and education, The Global Sisterhood strives to change the culture that allows sexual abuse continue. The Global Sisterhood envisions a world where children are safe and a respected part of the community; where girls feel good about themselves for who they are and we, as a global community, actively support them in all of their endeavors

Main Projects / Activities

Objectives & Goals 1- Increasing the youth's knowledge in women's rights. 2- Encouraging the youth to defend women and human rights issues. 3- Concentrating on violations and negative practices to stop it and deal with its negative effects. 4- Strengthening the spirit of volunteer work between the youth and increase their attention to their community issues. 5- Encouraging discussion and team work between the youth to improve their knowledge in modern social issues and human rights. 6- Paying attention to the youth's issues in order to help them gain important skills to improve their lives and to increase their participation.    ruba.daibes@gmail.com