Anna Lindh Foundation

Stichting COME

National Network



Morsweg 38 2312 AE Leiden Netherlands





Street address 2

Morsweg 38

Mobile Phone

0031 6 4624 2511


0031 71 5142807


E-Mail (2)

Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Japke van Malde

Contact Person 2

Maaike Hoffer

Organisation Type

Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation

Fields of Activity

International/Cultural relations

General Information

COME Foundation is a private Dutch foundation that organizes annually an 11 day dialogue seminar for young Palestinians and Israelis (20-35 years old), providing them with the opportunity to encounter, dialogue, and familiarize with each other. Such seminars have been organized by the COME foundation since 1976 under the name Midden Oosten Communicatie Project, which became ‘Stichting COME’ in 1993. A group of 30 young adults participates yearly in the seminar. Participants are comprised of three groups of origin: Jewish Israelis, Palestinian citizens of Israel and Palestinians residing in the occupied Palestinian territories. COME Foundation has a Dutch board, which guarantees the continuity of the organization of the seminars and raises financial resources for this. The board members are involved on a voluntary basis. Two advisers, connected to the foundation for years, can help determine the vision. One Dutch paid project leader (0,3 fte, hired on a freelance basis) carries out the actual organization of the dialogue seminar and other connected tasks. The resources available yearly are around € 45.000, received from churches, private donators, and funds (like Solidaritietsfonds, Haëlla stichting, Alexander & Otto and stichting Mundo Crastino Meliori). The project leader is the chair of a committee with Israeli and Palestinian members. These ‘local committee members’ are former seminar participants. The committee is responsible for preparing, implementing and evaluating the program and for recruiting, selecting and preparing the participants of the three groups. Every couple of years, a meeting takes place between the Dutch board and the Israeli and Palestinian committee members, sometimes in The Netherlands and sometimes in Israel/Palestine. Through the website and a two-yearly newsletter the Dutch supporters are being informed about the work.

Mission and Objectives

The main objective of the foundation is to organize dialogue seminars on neutral ground in which Israeli and Palestinian youth can meet and get to know each other, based on equality and without any political purpose. COME Foundation wants to facilitate an open dialogue between the participants. With the organization of these seminars, we hope to give Israeli and Palestinian youth six opportunities, which can be seen as the six sub-objectives of COME Foundation. We wish to provide them a safe space in which they will have: the opportunity to meet, which in daily life is difficult and not always possible; the opportunity to express what people are really concerned about; the opportunity to experience and see the human side of the conflict and to look differently at  the other and at the situation; the opportunity to hear and understand the interests, impact and motives of the other; the opportunity for self-examination and reflection; the opportunity to broaden one’s perspectives, which can be applied in daily life. The seminars create safe spaces for participants to develop a more hopeful perspective on their often difficult situation, in a crucial stage of their life and in which there is nearly no significant mutual contact between Jewish Israelis and Palestinians. By organizing these seminars, COME wants to convey its multiple commitment to both sides.

Main Projects / Activities

Yearly the foundation organizes an 11-day dialogue seminar on neutral ground for 30 Israelis and Palestinians. The seminar takes place in Cyprus. The Dutch project leader has the end responsibility for the seminars, but content-wise the Israeli and Palestinian committee members (former participants) determine the program and conditions for participation. The Palestinian and Israeli committee members also recruit and select participants, who are recruited by word of mouth. Participants become ambassadors of the seminars. During the intensive 11-day program, participants get to know each other, learn about the different narratives, discuss what is on their mind, reflect on their own position, and sometimes become friends. The program consists of different activities, developing from personal acquaintance to national and political knowledge, and using several techniques like small group discussions, big group discussions and personal appointments for 2 or 3 people. Every two or three years, a meeting takes place between the Dutch board and the Israeli and Palestinian committee members, to get to know each other and discuss in what direction the organization should develop.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

COME Foundation will contribute to the network by sharing our experience and knowledge that we have developed in more than twenty years of organizing seminars and meetings for groups that are hostile towards each other.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

COME Foundation wants to join the ALF Network to develop and expand our experiences and knowledge, to share it with other members, and to learn how other organizations deal with certain issues. Workshops or instructions about fundraising will be very useful as well.