
Anna Lindh Foundation

The Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation & Emergence

National Network



p/a Alambertskade 5 3633 VX VREELAND Netherlands





Street address 2

p/a Alambertskade 5


+31 6 28 55 06 34



E-Mail (2)



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Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Anne-Marie Voorhoeve

Organisation Type

Non-Governmental Organization

Fields of Activity

International/Cultural relations

General Information

non profit with mainly change agents and volunteers - no general staff on payrol Within the organizational circles of the Center for Human Emergence we are guided by chaordic design for the creation of our purpose and principles. Our policy and decision-making processes are supported by ways of Holacracy. In addition, over the years, we experienced that the use and creation of specific languaging opens the space for new energy and application to come into action. A typical example is the unconventional names for the roles in which those who are active within CHE describe our accountabilities.

Mission and Objectives

The Hague Center focuses on international societal challenges whose complexity requires collaboration between multiple stakeholders. We provide insight into the current condition, and co-design and facilitate transition processes to better futures. We believe that with resolve, imagination and creative endeavour we can co-enable a great social transformation which will have lasting benefit for present and future generations.

Main Projects / Activities

The Hague Center offers four core, interdependent services: transition events transition infrastructure transition intelligence transition training Meshworking as vision, method and tools for collaboration

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Hague Center exists to help align necessary resources for the current human and planetary transition. This transition is, in its essence, about moving from separation and polarisation, towards coherence and complementarity. This same transition is playing itself out across all sectors – ecology, economy, and governance, to name a few key ones.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to contribute to multi stakeholder dialogues and serve for strategic connections