
Anna Lindh Foundation

The Standing Conference on Teacher Education North and South

National Network



39 Abbey StreetArmaghBT61 7EB Armagh Ireland





Street address 2

39 Abbey StreetArmaghBT61 7EB

Mobile Phone



+44 (0)28 3751 1550




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Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

A. Soares

Organisation Type

Individual Person

Fields of Activity

Youth and education

General Information

Secretary Administrator Management Committee comprising 14 representatives from member organisations £110,000 Department of Education and Skills Dublin, Department of Education Belfast, Department for Employment and Learning Belfast. Subscription from Member Organisations Receipts from conferences Annual Conference since 2003 on the following topics: Creative Teachers for Creative Learners: Implications for Teacher Education Promoting Literacy and Numeracy through teacher education Teacher Education for Inclusion Reflective Practice: Challenges for Teacher Education School Leadership, Policy and Practice, North and South Teaching in the Knowledge Society Teacher Education and Schools: Together Towards Improvement Teacher Education for Citizenship in Diverse Societies The Changing Contexts of Teacher Education, North and South Challenges to Teacher Education and Research, North and South Cross Border Research Projects Cross Border Student Teacher Exchange Projects Annual Reports Irish Teacher Education Colleges, Irish University Education Departments, Teacher Trades Unions, General Teaching Council/Teaching Council Ireland, Regional Training Unit.

Mission and Objectives

SCoTENS brings together 36 colleges of education, university education departments, teaching councils, curriculum councils, education trade unions and education centres on the island of Ireland with a responsibility for and interest in teacher education. It has been involved in supporting a wide range of research, conference and exchange projects since it was founded in 2003. To date 78 research projects have been seed-funded during that time: including on Special Educational Needs, continuing professional development, English as an Additional Language, the inclusion of newcomer and ethnic minority children, citizenship education, educational research, ICT and digital video in education, young children’s identities, social justice education, developing reflective skills, art and science education, physical education, autism, archiving education documents, religious education, Irish medium education, maths education, literacy and peer mentoring. SCoTENS also sponsors the North/South Student Teacher Exchange project, now in its eighth year, which brings student teachers from Dublin and Limerick to do a key part of their assessed teaching practice in Belfast schools, and Belfast student teachers to do the same in Dublin and Limerick.

Main Projects / Activities

SCoTENS contributes to the increased social and territorial cohesion of the island of Ireland through: Promoting and improving the quality of cross-border cooperation between Teacher Educators, Teacher Unions, General Teaching Councils, Regional Training Units, Teacher Education Centres and Education Boards through the development of: • Annual North/South conferences on topical education priorities relevant to stakeholders in both jurisdictions on the island of Ireland • North/South Student Teacher Exchange Programme • Joint North/South Research on education matters relevant to stakeholders in both jurisdictions on the island of Ireland • Production of Joint North/South Research Reports

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

SCoTENS has established an all island network of 36 colleges of education, university education departments, teaching councils, curriculum councils, education trade unions and education centres on the island of Ireland with a responsibility for and interest in teacher education. SCoTENS is a unique organisation on the island of Ireland and is highly regarded by the Departments of Education in both jurisdictions of Ireland. We believe that through our cross border work and through the invaluable connections SCoTENS has made with the teacher education constituency, our membership of the Anna Lindh Foundation would prove to be mutually beneficial to both organisations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

SCoTENS draws on 9 years of experience of bringing together teacher educators across the jurisdictional boundaries on the island of Ireland. Among its core aims, SCoTENS is committed to offering student teachers the opportunity to spend a part of their assessed teaching practice in a classroom in the ‘other’ Irish jurisdiction – this fits directly with one of the core ALF priorities. SCoTENS also brings teacher educators together to participate in conferences on matters relevant to education to-day. It encourages through ‘seed funding’ researchers to cooperate with partners from the other Irish jurisdiction to embark on research projects. All of our projects prioritise people working together across a land frontier. SCoTENS produces high quality research and annual reports. We believe our work in the areas highlighted will benefit members of the ALF Network.