Anna Lindh Foundation

Third Sector Foundation of Turkey (TUSEV)

National Network



Bankalar Caddesi Minerva Han No. 2 Kat 5 Karaköy 34420 Istanbul / Turkey





Street address 2

Bankalar Caddesi Minerva Han No. 2 Kat 5 Karaköy


+90 212 243 83 07


Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Liana Varon

Job Title 1

Deputy Secretary General

Organisation Type

Non-Governmental Organization

Fields of Activity

Democracy and community development

General Information

1.TÜSEV is a network organization for the nonprofit sector formed in 1993 by Turkey’s leading foundations. The TUSEV network is comprised of over 100 Turkish foundations and nonprofit organizations. TUSEV employs 5 full time and 3 project based professionals. It has 11 board members and 1 tax consultant on retention. 2. In 2008 the yearly budget was approximately 720000 TL (approximately 480000 USD) 3. The foundation’s main sources of funding are approximately 35% from donations of network members, 20% from interest gains on endowment, and 45% from project funding (other foreign donors). The foundation currently has no income generating activities. 4. The Foundation’s modalities of action are organizing meetings, seminars and conferences, providing training sessions and conducting in depth research on the legal framework, philanthropy and the third sector in Turkey. 5. Among TUSEV’s international partners are European Foundation Centre (EFC), International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR), World Alliance for Citizen Participation (CIVICUS), International Center for Not for Profit Law (ICNL), European Center for Not for Profit Law (ECNL) and Charities Aid Foundation (CAF).

Mission and Objectives

TUSEV’s main objectives are to: - Promote a legally and fiscally enabling environment for nonprofit organizations, - Encourage strategic and effective giving, - Facilitate partnerships across the public, private & third sectors, - Support and engage the international community in learning about and collaborating with the Turkish third sector, - Conduct research on the sector's role, needs and dynamics to serve as a basis for civil society strengthening initiatives.

Main Projects / Activities

TUSEV’s programme areas are as follows: • Civil Society Law Reform: TUSEV is enabling Civil Society by informing and updating on legal and fiscal issues for the Turkish third sector, promoting mechanisms to increase CSOs participation in the policy making process, conducting independent policy analysis and advocating for reform, analyzing and monitoring of reform implementation and supporting implementation/capacity building for CSOs and governments in adapting to new legislation and processes • Social Investment: TUSEV seeks to inform stakeholders (existing and potential donors) about strategic and effective practices, help create a more enabling infrastructure for social investment and philanthropy in Turkey, introduce and support the establishment of new mechanisms that enable the flow of resources to CSOs, such as community foundations and advise new donors and foundations on creating effective giving strategies under the Social Investment Program. TUSEV also promotes the community foundation model in Turkey and acts a community foundation support centre. • International Relations and Networking : TUSEV is seeking to create common platforms to exchange best practices and to facilitate cooperation between Turkish civil society organizations, their international counterparts and donors. The Foundation is continually increasing its network of international partners. Most recently, TUSEV and Turkish foundations hosted the 20th Annual General Assembly and Conference of the European Foundation Centre in 2008. In 2010, the International Society for Third Sector Research Biannual Conference will be hosted by TUSEV in Istanbul. • Research and Publications : TUSEV aims to undertake critical research initiatives on issues regarding the third sector and generating useful data and reports that will help to inform practitioners and promote dialogue among all stakeholders. TUSEV has conducted several research projects in cooperation with international partners the Ford Foundation’s “Philanthropy for Social Justice in Muslim Societies” and CIVICUS Civil Society Index Country Report for Turkey (2005 and 2009).