
Anna Lindh Foundation

Viialan keskustan koulu / Viiala Central School

National Network



Turuntie 3 37830 Viiala Akaa Finland





Street address 2

Turuntie 3 37830 Viiala





Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Kaija-Leena Salovaara

Organisation Type

Public Institution

Fields of Activity

Youth and education

General Information

Viiala Central School is a public primary school, located in municipality of Akaa in Southern Finland. We have classes from pre-school to 6th grade, children aged from 5-13. We have also 3 classes for children of special needs. In our school there is also a kindergarten for preschool children and an after school day care for 1st and 2nd graders. The number of pupils is around 430. We have 26 teachers and 23 school assistants in our school. Viiala Central School is dependent on public funding. Our annual budget is around 1500000e.

Mission and Objectives

1. Promote different cultures and social environments in schools, create the interaction between the students and the staff from different cultures 2. Teach children to accept and understand dissimilarity 3. Reinforce children's cultural identity and help the to create personal contacts with children from completely different environments 5. help children to understand the similarities and differences in the ways different cultures

Main Projects / Activities

Viiala Central School is : • focused in educational and pedagogical progress. • next becoming 3 years are focused in inclusion and flexible teaching methods and structures in every school level • international communication and multicultural issues are very high valued the school Viiala Central School has involved in many international projects founded by EU and the Finnish Board of education. Multicultural education is one of the main points in our curriculum.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We want to promote peace education and be a link in multicultural education in our country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining ALF gives us a possibility for dialogue and co-operation with in the countries involved in this association.